“Now there are those who speak openly of two Churches, and this perspective…finds concrete elements of justification.”

This is Marco Tosatti commenting on the new book from Aldo Maria Valli, The Two Churches, available only in Italian.

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(algorithmic translation)

Today we  briefly present you  a book written by colleague Aldo Maria Valli…After scorching months, marked by controversy and contrasts, Pope Francis (sic) put an end to the Amazonian synod with the apostolic exhortation Querida Amazonia, a text that however risks risking everyone’s dissatisfaction…

Now there are those who speak openly of two Churches, and this perspective, with the German Synod that has started, amid the controversy, finds concrete elements of justification…

Aldo Maria Valli takes inspiration from the events linked to the assembly of bishops to broaden their gaze to the situation of a Church in which the fracture between the two souls appears no longer reassembled. And there is no power at stake. Faith itself is at stake.

Read the rest HERE.

It reminds me a lot of this:



6 thoughts on ““Now there are those who speak openly of two Churches, and this perspective…finds concrete elements of justification.””

  1. Arch. Emeritus Jan Lenga of Kazakhstan who defended priestly celibacy “has been banned from preaching and celebrating Mass by the Polish Church for describing Pope Francis as the ANTICHRIST and REFUSING to include him in prayers.” The Tablet


    its LENT.

    the PASSION of the Mystical Body of Christ has began… the persecution and eventual crucifixion of the TRUE CHURCH by the ANTICHURCH. It cannot be otherwise.

    I am with Arch. Jan Lenga and others who are not afraid to proclaim the truth.

    Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

  2. We must stay as close to the Blessed Virgin as possible. I’ve only been practicing Lent for a few years….something tells me this is going to be the most important one of my life.

    May we all have a blessed and fruitful Lent.

  3. The sedevacantists may have the last laugh. There may come a point that the Catholic Church as we know it today will be intolerablely heretical. And if Pope Benedict dies before Bergoglio the Church will effectively be in a sedevacantist state. I see an underground orthodox Catholic Church in the future. Any comment?

  4. Feast of St. Matthias/Mardi Gras

    Dear Michael–

    “Who has known the mind of God, and who has been His counselor?”

    Don’t sweat the small stuff. Or the big stuff neither.

    The Immaculate Heart will triumph in her own way. We just need to man the decks.

    Agreed, K & Doc, 2020 Lent is key.

    I’d say Bergoglio’s going down and his demonic court of fags (aka The Clerical Homosexual Network Strangling the Church) with him.

    “This kind can only be cast out by prayer and fasting.”

  5. they came so close to Jesus that they laid hands on him. they stuck and spit upon him. they crowned him with thorns…. they mocked him. they entered into his very space… even unto the death they brought to him. thereby they died as well.

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