I wrote these words barely six weeks ago, on the First Sunday of Advent. The situation in Malta raises the level of urgency by several degrees, because the Dubia Cardinals now know that souls are at immediate risk. With the Holy See complicit in the crime, more diocese will certainly follow. The correction will be forthcoming quickly from +Burke et al., which will of course be made public after Francis refuses to respond. Then comes the schism, when the 99% of Catholics who are blissfully unaware of what is what are going to be awakened overnight.
Anyway, here is some more from that post. The past few days have made it more relevant than it was even a few weeks ago:
“Are you keeping track of everything? Are you starting to get the hint that we are not living in normal times, and that more is required of you at this moment? What are you personally doing about it?
You need to prep harder. While there are plenty of other considerations…we will focus on the spiritual realm. No other preparedness makes any difference if you aren’t prepping your soul. As we prepare for the coming of the Lord every Advent by making a spiritual renewal, the current events swirling around us lend a greater urgency to the matter.
We have Francis, fount of heresy, squatting on the throne of Peter. We have Benedict, also dressed in white, who at times remains silent and at time offers great praise to Francis. Francis has promulgated heresy in a magisterial document, Amoris Laetitia. In this same document, Francis tries to support his heretical positions by lying about what former popes have taught, and claiming that his teaching is aligned with theirs. Cardinals are rightly attacking Francis for his heresy, and demanding answers. Cardinal Burke explains that no answer is the same as answering wrongly, and will bring additional sanctions. Unless there is some miraculous conversion of the Francis, there is only one way this is going.
The Church is about to descend into a war like nothing seen before, and you are not ready for it. You must prepare your soul for this war. The Rosary is a great, great weapon. If you don’t already say it every day, you need to start right now, today. You can’t imagine the graces that flow from this practice. Just do it. You will then find yourself drawn more into prayer – adoration, petition and thanksgiving – throughout the day. Unite your prayers to the sacrificial offering of Christ on the Cross, and beg the intercession of the saints.. Then start helping your family and friends understand the reality of the situation. Teach them that prayer isn’t nothing. So many people think prayer is literally “the least we can do.” That is incorrect. Prayer is huge.
You will be attacked by a relentless foe. The father of lies, upon seeing you engaged in the pursuit of sanctity, redoubles his efforts to destroy you. You will be shocked by your temptations even as you proceed on the path toward holiness. Just remember, no matter how frequent the attacks, God is always sending you more than enough grace to abide. You have to decide, today, to prepare the way and begin your counterattack.
You will also be attacked in the spiritual realm by your brethren. We now know that among these will be “Catholics”. You will be greatly outnumbered. You may have to flee your parish. You may be driven from your parish. You may be driven from your diocese.We are talking about open schism here, and you will be seen as being ON THE WRONG SIDE.
Not to mention, the entirety of secular society will be against you. The schism that has been simmering forthree and a half50 years is about to boil over into a very public spectacle that will captivate the whole world.
Are you starting to understand how bad this is going to be? And don’t you dare try to avoid it, because this is exactly what is necessary. All of this is necessary, and it is for the best. Francis is awesome, because we never could have gotten to the hot war this fast without him. God created your soul to be born into the world at this hour. Cloak your soul in the armor of God, and figure out what your role is in all of this.”
Read the rest HERE.
Then comes the schism, when the 99% of Catholics who are blissfully unaware of what is what are going to be awakened overnight.
You are a bit more optimistic than I am.
I said awakened, not converted.