The fact that the war on reality is now firmly centered on the center of creation, “male and female He created them,” is no coincidence. Those at war with God find this to be glorious. Some want to play God, others want to prove He doesn’t exist. But mostly, they want cover for their own depravity. It always come back to that.
Atlanta, Ga. — Lia Thomas was awarded an NCAA championship in the 500-yard freestyle swim on Tuesday after dominating the female athletes in the league. The cheers and applause within the McAuley Aquatic Center were — as in the Tuesday morning prelims — noticeably louder for the second- and third-place finishers.
As Thomas got out of the pool and gave remarks, many onlookers were neither clapping nor smiling. One women’s-rights protester shouted “shame on the NCAA” and “he’s a man!”
They should make him drop his swimming trunks, for all to see.
And he’d still be a man, even if he chose to mutilate himself.
Fire from the sky. The living will envy the dead. Why do I get the impression this prophecy from Akita is our future?
Ratzinger said that the Third Secret was basically Akita.
Comical, a women’s rights activist loses it. On a long enough timeline they all cannibalize themselves. Prayers for everyone. 🙏🏻
The left is eating its own. Terrible. It’s so bad I don’t even think of it as some kind of perverted just desserts, merely as more sadness. Because SIN is always sad.
God Bless Ron Desantis….
DeSantis To Sign Proclamation Declaring Florida Swimmer Winner Of Race Over Trans Athlete Lia Thomas