The Horror

Imagine waking up to this. Showing up in the *high school auditorium* for the big reveal of the New Mass. They told you it would be groovy, man. But you had no idea just how groovy. 55 years ago today.

34 thoughts on “The Horror”

    1. That was the thing back then. Went to Catholic gradeschool during that time and they were all the rage. The art on CCD books was the same. I was involved during class in making some of those with a nun who was my gradeschool principal for about 4 years.

      Good grief, we’ve been robbed; for SO long.

    1. Diabolical? Looks pretty Catholic to me. Communion on the tongue, nuns in habits and gentlemen in jackets and ties.

  1. The good news is that most devout Catholics now know that Vatican II and the “reforms” were not natural. Nobody asked for them. The Catholic Church, especially in America and England, was in a golden age from the 1920’s through the 1950’s. Vatican II was derailed by the CIA and forced upon everybody. Because it was forced upon everybody and because the intention of the freemasons who infiltrated to be in charge was evil, Vatican II was not a valid council and must be denounced. The only way they can keep this Vatican II antichurch going is through government funding.

  2. Disgraceful and demonic. They had to get educated on the “new Mass” by leaving their church and going to an ugly auditorium with a cheaply cut-out felt backdrop that said “search”??? The typography on that thing looks like a movie poster for a cheesy horror film which is apt cause that’s what the novus ordo is!

  3. The congregation, including nuns with veils, look so properly dressed. They probably didn’t know what hit them.

  4. It’s striking how most of the Catholic enclaves in the big cities were socially engineered out of existence in the decade that preceded the atomic bomb going off in the Church. There might have been more resistance to the cringeification of the Mass if those tight-knit Catholic neighborhoods in New York, Philly, Baltimore, Boston, etc. hadn’t been dispersed to commuter parishes and scattered throughout the suburbs.

    It’s almost like there was a plan.

  5. Between 1950 and 1962 there had already been two major changes to the Roman Missal, necessitating new editions in 1955 and 1962, and at least three minor changes in 1951, 1958 and 1960. Catholics had become used to inserting small paper corrections into their Missals, some just a few lines of text in height.

    All ground work to desensitize Catholics to even more profound changes in the Novus (Dis)Ordo?

    1. The real demolition was the 1965 Missal. It basically turned the Latin Rite into the NO, while retaining the calendar and readings. So they had thoroughly softened up the laity for what would come five years later.

      1. My point is that the disorientation and softening up process of the liturgy at least had been going on for almost two decades already, by 1970.

  6. What strikes me, besides the kitschy banners and the priest turning his back to God during the consecration, is the main message, “Search”, which at the time (I was 12) many of us interpreted as, “Keep looking. ‘Cause it sure ain’t here.”

    1. “Search for Christian Maturity came in the 1960’s from the CYO (Catholic Youth Organization) of San Francisco, California. In May of 1966, the Search for Christian Maturity was adopted by the National Catholic Youth Organization as the official retreat program for the United States of America. In the ensuing years, the Search was initiated in over 75 diocese in the U.S. as well as in other countries. Much like Cursillo and other 3 day events, it spread quickly.”

  7. Also note the plainclothes altar boys still holding a pattern under the host as people receive — on the tongue.

  8. It was the first Sunday of Advent 1969 at the church where I was baptized, confirmed, and served as an altar boy 1958-61. A guy played “Battle Hymn of the Republic” on a piano sitting in the sanctuary. I thought it was one of those weird, groovy, experimental deals a cool priest might put on for college students and the real Mass would return next Sunday.

  9. Search (Search for Christian Maturity) is Catholic program for young people aged 16 and over, based on the Cursillo method–a retreat and follow-up reunions.

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