4 thoughts on “UPDATE: Prayers for the trial today in New Jersey”

  1. Coincidentally (?), I’ve been reading Acts. St. Paul went to jail or trial, again and again. He didn’t care. It’s great.

  2. Does anyone know who those sleazy policemen [“we follow orders without question”] are? They need to be shamed and fired.

  3. Why did the police arrest them facedown and prone with handcuffs behind their backs? Did they expect violence or physical resistance? Maybe it is the ‘perpetrator arrest’ designed for media consumption. Maybe they want to intimidate Catholics anywhere who pray outside abortion clinics.

  4. Pope Leo XIII probably saw the exact same thing we see and described it spiritually. If this had happened then, the antipapacy would not have lasted a day. These criminals would have been put to death.

    Instead, it lasts TWELVE YEARS because we have Protestant “married priests” in this goofy Scott Hahn post-Vatican II era who pridefully want both worlds–study and teach theology but have relations with a woman and raise children–Taylor Marshall, Timothy Gordon, Kennedy Hall, et al. Why practice chastity?

    Protestants can have fun getting degrees in theology and preaching and ministering in a big Protestant church. Why can’t lay Catholics after Vatican II pretend to be priests by studying theology at college and teaching Catholics on podcasts?

    And to protect both worlds, the salary and their “priesthood” in good graces with Antipope Bergoglio, they have told over and over again to the faithful that “Pope Francis” is really pope and is foundation of the Church.

    I believe that Taylor Marshall et al. are in a state of borderline mortal sin for their cowardice and for pretending to be married priests. Teaching the faith professionally and in a public setting should only belong to priests, monks, and nuns who practice chastity.

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