Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes: Sometimes the Divine Providence uses unlettered laynothings to convey great things

(Today is the 12th anniversary of Pope Benedict’s ‘Declaratio’ which he read out in Latin to the astonished Consistory. What exactly did he ‘declare’? Quite obviously he was fleeing, probably under duress, but also quite obviously not fleeing, but remaining in a new way, still inside the Vatican, still in white, still addressed as His Holiness, still with Pope in his title, still intending to remain ‘papal’ in some way… for ten more years, until his death 31 Dec 2022. One cannot half-resign the Papacy; that is Substantial Error, and the law says you retain the whole thing. Myself and other laynothings have tried to point this out for many years now. Saint Bernadette, pray for us.-nvp)

Prayer to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception

O most Holy Virgin, immaculate in body
and spirit, look kindly on me as I implore
your powerful intercession.

O most Holy Mother, receive my prayers
as I present them to God.
(state your intentions here)

O Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother,
you intercede for us with your Son.
O Mary conceived without sin,
pray for us who have recourse to thee.


Sweet, sweet Saint Bernadette, pray for us. Happy feast to all!

Our Lady of Lourdes, Saint Bernadette, and God’s inscrutable ways

Originally posted on 


Happy feast!

167 years ago today, 11 Feb 1858, the Blessed Virgin made her first appearance to Bernadette in the grotto at Lourdes. Six weeks later, Our Lady would confirm to Bernadette that she was the Immaculate Conception, a fact that had been Dogmatically defined barely three years prior (8 Dec 1854 HERE).

Ah, sweet Bernadette. She was but 14 years old.



Dirt poor.

Yet chosen by God to receive this miraculous message and teach it to the world.


Most of the depictions, paintings, statues of this miracle are wrong. The picture I posted above is all wrong. Bernadette was so poor, her family lived in a one-room windowless cellar with a dirt floor. Her first encounter with Our Lady was during a hunt for firewood, trudging through mud, so she would have been wearing not just rags, which was all she owned, but the worst rags she had.


The other illusory image is that of the Blessed Virgin. She actually appeared as a 14 year old, same age as Bernadette, and even shorter than Bernadette’s diminutive 4’7″… which was caused by malnutrition. Mary was appearing at the age when she herself conceived… which aligns with her pronouncement of her own Immaculate Conception on the Feast of the Annunciation, Christ’s conception, which took place at the grotto on 25 March 1858.

When these depictions began appearing even within her own lifetime, especially the statuary, Bernadette was very upset with their inaccuracy. She also despised her celebrity, and once she entered the convent, wanted only to pray and offer penances. She was chronically sick. Mary had promised her suffering in this life, but happiness in the next. Suffering is a tool to attain holiness, and Mary was no stranger to suffering in her own lifetime. These things are meant as examples for us. Bernadette died 16 April 1879, and was raised to the altars on 8 December 1933. Her famous quote, upon reflecting on her own fate while in this world:


“What do you do with a broom when it is done being used? You put it behind a door; and that is what the Virgin has done with me.”

Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.

Saint Bernadette, pray for us.

“O the depth of the riches of the wisdom and of the knowledge of God! How incomprehensible are his judgments, and how unsearchable his ways! For who hath known the mind of the Lord? Or who hath been his counselor?” Romans 11:33-34

Screenshot 2020-02-11 at 08.43.08

10 thoughts on “Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes: Sometimes the Divine Providence uses unlettered laynothings to convey great things”

  1. Why did Mary ask Bernadettr to eat grass? IDK, but even in convent she wasn’t left in peace. i think if a faithful life is like walking uphill thru a hailstorm, cold and wet, sleet and wind in your face, fatigue – that in proportion the more wonderful it will be when the door in heaven opens to Jesus and Mary, the blazing fireplace, cozy chair, eternal rest, & maybe milk and cookies.

  2. I love the Lourdes apparition, all of it, there is just so much to contemplate. Perhaps Bernadette got it wrong when she ate the grass, perhaps Our Lady said to pull it out to reveal the miraculous waters. Maybe it made the realization the stream was there all the sweeter after her humiliation, and it had to be humiliating, even for a girl accustomed to humiliations. It is fascinating to read about how doctors pricked Bernadette with pins or used a match to try to get a reaction from her while in ecstasy, I can’t recall which it was. They got no response from her at all, as is typical during an apparition. I believe, could be wrong, men tried to pick her up, tiny as she was, and she was immovable, as seers are during apparitions. I hope I am not wrong on these fascinating details, I don’t think I am. As in Garabandal, where little girls run backwards at night and slam their little knees hard onto rocks with no physical pain felt, these things are marvelous to consider and give a glimpse into our own eternity.
    It’s a great day to watch “The Song of Bernadette”. I love the part where the wind picks up and she sees Our Lady, her expression. I try to imagine what that must have been like. What bliss, and how she must have missed Our Lady after that. Happy Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, all!

    1. I’ve never seen the film but the book of the same title by Franz Werfel is superb. A German jew trying to stay one step ahead of the Nazis in France in 1940, he knew his main hope was to cross the border into Spain and en route found himself in Lourdes where he learned about the events of 1858. He vowed that if he made it safely to Spain, he would write the story of Bernadette and Lourdes. He eventually found safe passage and ended up in the US, working in Hollywood. He died suddenly in 1945 and it’s uncertain whether he may even have been baptised at some stage. Anyway, his book is IMHO a masterpiece and somewhat ironically considering its author’s background, can also be classed as a great devotional aid.

    2. Garabandal is, as you may be aware, not an approved apparition, and, to those of us who remain skeptical of it’s authenticity, the childrens’ walking backwards in the dark element of it may be indicative of the diabolical.

  3. Whilst the main events of Lourdes are well known, I only became aware of this aspect of the fourth apparition after reading Abbé François Trochu’s definitive book on the life of St. Bernadette:

    During the apparition, loud cries and yells erupted from the River Gave though nothing could be seen. They “challenged, crossed and collided with each other like the clamour of a brawling crowd.” One voice, more furious than the rest, dominated them all and roared “Get out of here!… Get out of here!” St. Bernadette instinctively knew the threats were not so much directed at herself as at the “Lady” who had appeared in the grotto.

    After a short while, the “Lady” herself briefly glanced in the direction of the demonic noise and instantly, there was absolute silence with only the sound of the flowing river to be heard once more.

    1. Mike literally is my name. If I was actually Ray Epps I’d be pretending to be a Trumpster, when I never have been. However, if you’re somehow making the case that a true Catholic would support Trump, I must remind you that Trump is an adulterer, a murderer (covid 19 vax) and his “Catholic” wife is 100% pro aboriton.

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