(I have mixed thoughts about this, since the base premise is that Bergoglio is Pope, and thus wields legitimate authority, which he does not. But I also know I’m going to feel guilty if I don’t post it, as well as pray it. So here we go. It started yesterday, so say it twice today to make up. -nvp)
The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter has asked clergy and laity to join them in a novena from February 2 to 10. The Communiqué from the Fribourg HQ reads as follows:
Three years ago, at a moment of deep incertitude, the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter called out to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, mindful that never was it known that anyone who fled to her protection has been left unaided. Following a novena, the Fraternity consecrated itself to her Immaculate Heart on the very day that the Holy Father providentially published the decree reaffirming the practice and charism that the Fraternity has had from its foundation.
Three years later, in order to render thanks once again and implore her continual help, all the members of the Fraternity will solemnly renew this consecration. To represent them all, the members of the Plenary Council and I will recite the act of consecration at the Grotto of Lourdes on her feast day, February 11.
We ask all the faithful who are close to us to join in this novena of preparation February 2-10, 2025 and to renew the consecration on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, February 11, 2025.
Fribourg, January 18, 2025
Rev. John Berg
Superior General
The prayers are here. It’s very short and easy.
I will pray that the FSSP increases in courage. They have been running scared for years. They declined to ask for permission to continue using the pre-1955 Holy Week Rites a few years ago, likely trying to avoid the sort of scrutiny they are about to go through. They have compromised enough over the years. I pray they compromise no more. They have done a lot of good.
The Bishops sent to do the visitation are also visiting some of the FSSP-run parishes. Mine was one of them. Honestly, it wasn’t terribly interesting or exciting.
Fortunately, we have a friendly Bishop who was at our parish the evening prior to the arrival of the visitators to administer Confirmation in the traditional rite.
What will come next? Will Francis issue another document making it even MORE difficult to find a parking spot at a TLM parish? Stay tuned…