If a man continually demonstrates his hatred of the Law, he is demonstrating his hatred of its Author, Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life

Originally posted

Today is the Feast of Candlemas, the Presentation of Our Lord, which is also the Fourth Joyful Mystery of the Most Holy Rosary.

Fruit of the Mystery:

Obedience – Love of the Law.

Our Lord Himself is the Law. You cannot love Him without loving the Law; you can’t even get to know Him without loving the Law. Learning the Law, and understanding why the Law is what it is, is to develop your relationship with the Lord. Perfecting yourself in the Law is the sacrificial sanctification of this relationship, and He deeply desires this from you. He has told us with His own incarnate lips.

Steer well clear of anyone who teaches contrary to His word.

2 thoughts on “If a man continually demonstrates his hatred of the Law, he is demonstrating his hatred of its Author, Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life”

  1. So our worst fears are being realized. I said Trump was outsourcing his presidency to Zionists and billionaires and I was right.

    You may not like USAID. Many think it is a CIA front. But Elon Musk is not the president of the US. Yet he has shut USAID down and merely says the president approves of it.

    I will say it again: this illegal immigrant con man from South Africa has no as authority to do this. No citizen does. Only the president.

    Do you hate George Soros buying elections and influencing congress? That is child’s play compare to this. And all Musk is doing is freeing up money for himself and avoiding an indictment on the biggest fraud in world history.

    Trump is destroying our constitutional republic. He’s devolving it into a chaotic oligarchy, he’s fulfilling Cloward Piven.

    The worst thing that ever happened to this country was Trump surviving an assassination attempt. Yes I said this.

  2. So, according to the non-Catholic fake pope, all the Fathers and Doctors of the church are just wrong, along with all Saints before Vatican 2 and all the actual Popes, too. Anybody that doesn’t see through his lies simply doesn’t want to at this point.

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