You’re Fired: DEI nuked from orbit

I refuse to fanboy any of this until we see actual results. And no, you can’t end Birthright Citizenship, aka amend the Constitution, with an Executive Order, nor can you upend 130 years of interpretive precedence with an E.O. So we will see what happens with that one.

But this, this is just wild. DEI ends at 5pm TODAY. Permit me to glory in just the possibilities:

“It was like The Apprentice met The Presidency. Yesterday, Trump signed his second consecutive DEI order, Tuesday’s even more detailed and specific than Monday’s, and his Office of Personnel Management issued a tart memorandum. It informed all federal agencies that, by no later than 5pm tonight, they must close DEI all offices, delete all DEI websites, cancel all scheduled DEI “training,” terminate all DEI contractors, place all DEI staff on paid leave, and then prepare for staff reductions by the end of business on the last day of this month, January 31st… It’s not just performative. They can try to re-name DEI into something else, to try burying it in the bureaucratic depths, but it won’t work this time. Trump’s team is already onto that little game:

image 4.png

They’ve also required every federal agency to list their DEI employees as of November 5, 2024 —election day— just in case they were smuggled into other jobs after Trump’s win in a cryptic effort to save them from getting fired and keep the resistance going.”

More details:


19 thoughts on “You’re Fired: DEI nuked from orbit”

  1. This question sound weird, but bear with me. Why has no country bothered to send astronauts on the moon in over 50 years? If they aren’t able to, why? And if they are able to, why aren’t they willing to?

    Any answer I give to this sound childishly stupid. But… isn’t this a sign of a massive lie that staggers the imagination? What other things most people believe that makes no sense?

    1. It could simply be because there is no monetary incentive to do so. Only enormous expense for the sake of it, to at best test technology for faster ballistic missiles or potential upper atmospheric travel.

      Unless you plan to mine or extract oil from the moon, it is still orders of magnitude cheaper and easier to just do it here.

      We explored the Earth primarily for trade purposes. Space has nothing, and what it does have can’t feasibly be reached or brought back in quantities to make the cost worth it. It is utterably hostile to life on both a physical and psychological level. All those sci fi fantasies will never be. Nobody will want to live in space any more than Antartica or the desert in settler numbers, other than expeditionary scientists, and they don’t either for too long.

      1. Are you suggesting that that the reason it happened is because there was a monetary incentive at the time? Or that Russia gave up on its space program because the US went to the moon first?

        1. I’m saying that the reason no other countries have bothered, and nobody bothers now, is because there is no monetary incentive. The Cold War at the end of the day was an economic PR one, the US intended to drive the Soviet Union into financial collapse by leveraging capitalism against communism. A space program, real or fake, will help do that. It takes money to maintain an empire, the USSR had to give up and collapsed. Russia learned that lesson then, the British before, and America continues to learn badly now. The Mars mission is another PR attempt to project economic strength.

    2. It’s because man has not actually been to the moon. The Chinese are working on it (and have been for some time). It’s actually not quite as simple as we have been led to believe.

  2. P.S. We have more good results already, but I am still keeping an eye on whether pro-lifers are released like J6ers, whether “the drones” are explained truthfully, whether Tulsi, RFKJ, Bondi & Kash (are allowed to) accomplish anything good, and whether WW3 is avoided.

    1. I bet your living room is festooned with MAGA hats, the Trump 2 dollar bill, Trump signature whiskey, Trump NFT trading cards, and a bunch of My Pillows….good lord.

      Getting rid of DEI is about the easiest thing you can do as president. And it won’t stop it anyway. And then Trump ended birthright citizenship. Except he didn’t. HE CAN’T. The 14th amendment says what it says. He’d have to spearhead a constitutional amendment, and that’s too much work for Big Orange to do.

      Smoke and mirrors, smoke and mirrors, smoke and mirrors.

      1. I believe the idea is that the government gets sued over the executive order which leads to the courts reexamining the 14th Amendment. So, not much work needed on Trump’s end other than getting his opposition to trigger a legal challenge that could lead to a constitutional amendment, and even if it’s against him, his border czars will already have had time to do their work before the court rules on anything. So he’d only be following the typical Washington playbook, so typical of stupid democracy. But if the bad guys can take advantage of loopholes, you may as well too!

        1. But like Roe v Wade a court can’t change the plain language of the constitution, they can just offer an opinion and then each president can do as they please. Courts don’t make law. There is far more constitutional support for birthright citizenship than there was for abortion.

          If Trump was a real man he’d offer a repeal and replacement of the 14th amendment. But he knows that wouldn’t pass. This is just an illusion.

          EOs are magic tricks. Some will last 4 years, others will be challenged and defeated in court. But they accomplish nothing in reality.

          I mean Trump just announced a half trillion dollar AI investment. That has to be paid for. Do you really think he or “doge” is going to find the room for this?

          Trump Mr “Art of the Deal” basically told Russia to seek peace “or else!”. So nothing has changed, nothing will change. It’s only going to get worse. 50 trillion in debt , nuclear war with Russia over Iran and Ukraine, no wall, and more mRNA vaccines are coming.

          1. “more mRNA vaccines are coming” – Which will be personal choice, as with Trump, they always were.

            Biden is the one who mandated. Trump never did.

            In fact, Trump rescinds mandates. In the last couple of days, he said

            1. Military must apologize & rehire all covid vaxx refusers.

            2. Immigration service (legal immigrants) must stop requiring covid vaxx.

            Any number of blackpillers are sure bent out of shape, about the new anti-cancer initiative.

            I am, too – but as a taxpayer. I just don’t think these things should be publicly funded.

            As for using mRNA technology to fight late-stage cancer, in those late-stagers who choose it: That has been going on for 20 years. Ask Dr Robert Malone, the inventor – and famous anti-vaxxer.

            Malone says, mRNA should have been reserved for late-stage cancer patients & NEVER forced on the general population.

            Let’s agree to agree, on that!

            In that sense, the new initiative sends the mRNA back into the corner of the field where it belongs. Cancer treatment. Self-chosen.

            Instead though, we have blackpillers who misrepresent the new initiative as a new WEF plot to mandate mRNA on every person. 8th commandment, people!

            P.S. It should go without saying, that any/all mRNA mandates or vaxx mandates, must be resisted. “Should go without saying”. But I know that, with some people, I have to spell it out.

          2. Oh, Jeffie.

            Donald Trump’s Warp Speed program is why there are these poisons on the market in the first place. He has said over and over again that mRNA is a “miracle” and that you should get the Covid 19 shot. He has said “Warp Speed” is one of “mankind’s greatest achievements”.

            As far as mandates go, the typical Trump cult member response is “It’s your choice, Trump didn’t mandate it!”. This is mendacious. Trump a)scared the entire country to death and b)said and still says those shots were safe. So by the time the Biden mandate came, 70% of the country already chose to get a jab.

            In fact, what you’re missing and what everyone misses is that because of Warp Speed, because of Trump, private employers, state employers, universities and public schools all mandated the shot. Again, not federal mandates, but private and state mandates were the primary driver of the Trump shot.

            So what will happen again, is that more mRNA shots will come, your hero will claim “no mandate” and yet states, schools, employers will all mandate it.

            The mRNA genie was released by DJT, orange buffoon. And now this time instead of blaming Fauci, Trump will blame “AI”. But the common denominator is Donald Trump.

            To review: Trump is why 70% of the country got the vax before any Biden mandate, the Biden mandate was federal and added less than 10% TO THE TOTAL, and Trump knew as did everyone else that schools, states, etc would mandate the shot, which is out of federal jurisdiction.

            Trump is scum, he’s the reason the nation is dying, and you will still defend him. No Trump, no mRNA at least or another year.

            You’re the type of person who says Pachamama really is the Bolivian Virgin Mary. Excusing evil all the live-long day.

  3. The nuclear detonation of DEI is about as lowing-hanging a fruit as it gets. Imagine the response if Trump didn’t do SOME internal reform to address it.

    Of course, we better keep our eyes on what this freemasonic fellow, and his satanic buddies (Musk) do next. He can dazzle us with a few tricks then pull the rug from under us with lockdowns when we least expect it. There certainly is a precedent for that, anyway.

  4. Let’s be cautiously hopeful. Did you hear about Putin wanting to extradite Fauci to Russia to be tried for crimes against humanity?? That would be uuuuge!!!

    1. Don’t know exactly who you’re talking about, but I’m certainly not “melting down”. Donald Trump poisoned the entire country. And he thinks that was a good thing. Not only that, but he now believes he has a mandate from God. Not only that, but he’s not even Catholic. And his wife loves abortion.

      Under no circumstances should this man ever have been reelected, but you now have put a man in power who doesn’t have to worry about reelection. He poisoned America. So what’s next? Nuclear war, most likely. He’s already working on it.

      The fact is, anyone who thinks Trump is fit for office after the Covid 19 vaccine is the one that needs prayed for. He’s what Barnhardt would call a “diabolical narcissist”, but is far more clever than most.

      It’s fascinating to watch Catholic denial of something so monstrously evil.

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