Bishop Strickland asks, “What will it take?” Indeed, Excellency, what will it take?

My friend, what have you to lose? Just say it. A heretic cannot be pope. Raise it as pure speculation, or better yet, join your fellow “excommunicated” Archbishop Vigano in declaring the Bergoglian Antipapacy. Get on with it.

Better yet, encourage investigation of the failed partial resignation of Pope Benedict, so everyone knows how we got here. The Octave of Epiphany is a very appropriate time to do so.

2 thoughts on “Bishop Strickland asks, “What will it take?” Indeed, Excellency, what will it take?”

  1. It will take the utter annihilation of nations and the direct fear of mass deaths or a life of struggling as suffering survivors with 70% of the worldwide episcopy and priesthood dead.

    Only then can the handful of 30% left finally be free to be Catholic without the other 60% of lukewarms led by the 10% of powerful outright apostates standing in their way.

    At least that is what the likes of Strickland, Burke and Schneider seem to be waiting for; the lay flock under their care be damned.

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