Don’t miss the 4:30 mark where she directs victims to “URL” for latest info… As in, go to the internet for a site I cannot provide.
Don’t miss the 4:30 mark where she directs victims to “URL” for latest info… As in, go to the internet for a site I cannot provide.
This is on purpose. 2 reasons. The first is to continue the narrative that climate change, and neglectful forest management , caused the problem. Keeping people scared. The second is to make money for Blackrock.
It may not even be a conscious conspiracy. Just like when good people get together pursuing different but righteous goals everything works harmoniously, when bad people get together pursuing different but evil goals everything works harmoniously there too. The mystery of evil.
The Catholic Considerations at are relevant to the continued crisis in the Church. The Intelligentsia muddy the waters with their never-ending discussion, and do a disservice to the Church as they continue to use the name “Pope Francis”, thereby giving to the modernists the power of the world in the Church.
Great site, except that you misattribute the quotation about truth being like a lion to St Augustine. It does not appear in any of St Augustine’s works translated into English and appears to be from or no earlier than Protestant pastor and preacher Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
Go to JOE 3-0-0-3-0…
Democracy got us here.
Why is democracy so much better than Catholic Monarchies again?
The democratic lot never cared about merit in practice, and now not even in word either, so what is the argument for democracy again? What have king-less republics begotten us?
I’d rather put my trust in the children God provides to royal families.
Like the Israelites voting for Saul and then Barrabas, these people are what we collectively chose or tolerated.
What got us to a an antipope and heretic who worships a demon in the Vatican? Was that a democracy or a Catholic Monarchy? Let me know.
Pope “Saint” Paul VI gave away the papal tiara in ’64?
Kono, the tiara is a symbol of power, is not magic. There was no papal tiara for 700 years after Christ.
And I’ll remind you Vatican 2 came from within. From Bishops and cardinals already in the Traditional Mass what’s the answer?
People are the answer. Evil has always existed and you must fight it from within. Not from the outside. The Church’s history is full of evil popes, evil people.
Pouting about it and playing pretend as you do won’t help.
Take care.
I never said the tiara was magic Mike. But maybe the giving it away symbolizes the uncrowning of Christ’s Vicar on earth. If you want to stay with your obviously false popes and false Saints, that’s on you, but quit ragging on me for not staying in the burning house with these obvious heretics.
You mean “Saint” ‘Paul VI’ surely.
Right-i-o. Good call.
This is a most excellent article on the Katechon; a ‘must-read’, which shows who and what the mystical force holding back the prevailing forces of darkness is / was:
(Spoiler: it is Peter, and all Peters, and the office of the papacy which flows from the Church into all temporal institutions, and why this is the case is indeed represented in the Papal Tiara. From the Sede viewpoint, one can see why, since the absence of Peter and his office these 66 years past, Leviathan has awoken and filled the void left by the Katechon, which is why the world and its institutions are the way they are now: as goes the Church, so goes the world. The Katechon is gone.)
What got us there were idiots voting.
Now you know.
But considering that the clergy can’t have children, it’s the only solution; but with a SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE – the belief that it is the Holy Spirit providentially casting the vote through the majority.
That is why the Church lasts, under God’s protection despite the idiots.
Is the Holy Spirit “voting” elsewhere, Mike? Let me know.
I mean, just look at all this democracy in action!
What I also know is that the Holy Spirit hasn’t been invited to do His thing for awhile now, and Frankie and the gang are hanging out with some other “spirits” of the council/syods/whatever.
So antipopes are the will of the Holy Spirit? Or do people often not listen to the Holy Spirit?
Are you aware that humans have free will? God’s Church lasts because of the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit is not always listened to.
The Holy Roman Empire committed atrocities. The Papal States committed atrocities. Popes committed atrocities.
The idea that a Catholic monarchy is better because of the assumption the Holy Spirit will protect it excuses sin. People are people. Whether it’s Gavin Newsom or Francis worshiping a Demon, the Holy Spirit is nowhere to be found with them.
Vatican 2 came out of the folks saying the TLM.
The Holy Spirit will protect the Church because it was founded by God. But sin is sin. The idea that if the US was a Catholic monarchy things would be awesome is absurd. Right now things are worse in the Vatican than in any place on earth. These Catholic leaders have less of an excuse.
If you want to argue that present corruption is no reason to get away from established Democracy, the table can be flipped to declare likewise that corruption back then was likewise no reason to get away from established Monarchies, or God’s Judges either! What have these revolutions wrought?
Antipopes, and kings like Saul, are the permissive will of the Holy Spirit, giving us what we democratically deserve in our hearts, or maybe because like Job, we are to be tested for the greater good. But when it comes to us under God’s providence, we know we have to accept such times as our cross to repent, see through and set right.
In other words, Mikey, the evil that present day institutions do is now MORE DIRECTLY attributable to us than ever before. The present world’s people have less excuses compared to our ancestors for the EVIL that rules us.
When you make a mistake, you turn back, you don’t double and triple down, and excuse your lukewarmness with the pathetic excuse, “Duhhh… well… the old days had their troubles too, ya’know!”
You mean the Fallen World can never achieve utopia??? Wow! What insight!
I’ll rather try to return to sanity. You can contiue to sit there waving the American flag with all those guns sitting around as the nation literally burns down demonstrating how much people actually value the Republic they believe in.
Ditto for the Catholics and the Church. We all want to die in it, but not for it. We’ll carry our crosses, but will we put aside our fear of the authorities and the crowd to temporarily help Christ struggling under His own? Not that He isn’t capable of doing it all on His own, but He looks out at us offering us the opportunity to show that WE CARE! We’re FAILING that test!
Johno, buddy,
Every evil in the world happens via the permissive will of the Holy Spirit.
I’m not arguing any system is better than the other. I’m saying it’s all gonna suck because humans are involved.
You are the one pretending, like a certain blogger, that a Catholic Monarchy will solve our problems. That is rubbish. We already have the papacy. And it’s failed so much that millions and millions have apostasized.
Similarly you seem to believe that if everyone was Catholic things would be better, again forgetting a little something called history and human will.
Yes everyone should be Catholic but only to prepare them and hopefully save their souls for the next world.
Isn’t that why we wait for Jesus?
So no, a Catholic Monarchy would be no different than our democratic republic, except the hypocrisy and punishment might be sharper.
What does God want Mike?
Seek that first.
Things would UNDOUBTEDLY be better with a Catholic hierarchy, even during utterly corrupt times, for one single reason…
It will reflect the correct order of things, and therefore reflect reality.
The populace will know that power is always top-down. They will know where power rests.
They will not imagine they can instigate revolutions for immoral “rights” or laws from a grassroots level, and this makes them less susceptible to color revolutions via ideological divisions which prey upon fallen human desires.
Ideas have consequences, and democratic ideas beget errors as much as communist ones.
Yes, having a king will not mean revolutions back towards democracy and disorder cannot happen again, as already has happened, any more than that God Himself can prevent human free will from rebelling against Him, Who is hierarchical order Himself.
But that one political order best references man’s relationship to God. So most importantly it will prepare them for Heaven, where God is King, hierarchies of angels and saints exist, and there is no voting for a new god, and they have another place they can go to best exercise their freedom and scream their dissatisfaction.
To deny that would likewise be to argue that the family should not have the father as the head, and instead have the X number of children be the true rulers by outvoting their 2 parents, because there are men out there, even baptized Catholic ones, who are incompetent, bad providers, or abusive monsters, therefore the 2 parent family is a relic that should be abolshed, and all children ought to belong by legal right to the greater community or the state. Then once that is a fait accompli, to denounce those of wanting a return to the natural family structure of pursuing a useless thing, saying, “if the Holy Spirit actually wanted it, He would have protected it, or prevented fathers from doung bad things, therefore it is useless to go back, and we should accept that the family unit no longer exists.”
But that is absurd! And failings of the Popes, Monarchs, or families are not evidence that God no longer prefers we maintain such systems because for a time He passively allows corruption. And it has always been the height of human arrogance to try and reinvent a new political system, or a new church, or a new religion altogether because they have current or historical grievances with the old ones.
The Israelites wanted a king, hence Saul.
Some politicians still pretend to be religious to get voted. Are you certain that many Catholic monarchs were sincere about the faith rather than spreading propaganda about how God-fearing they were?
The Israelites democratically begged for a SECULAR king INSTEAD of God being their only King Who granted them leaders under His prophets.
God warned them through Samuel that their desired kings would rule over them harshly, tax them, conscript their sons into war, make their women work for him etc.
But they stupidly persisted, as the present religious leaders of their time were corrupt, so they saw that as a pretext for Revolution against their King – God – And God’s then-vicar – Samuel.
They were punished with Saul – Not a man God wanted – but Him letting them have a man their hearts desired.
Notice the pattern?
Same as today, only stupider with Presidents and Prime Ministers taxing, making war and putting more women into the workplace to serve them – and you can only choose from the lottery the unelected new money royal elites say you can have. And if you try to circumvent them, they have solutions for that too – and if they really don’t like you, you can be replaced by another people entirely.
At least under a monarch, good or bad, the population can’t be played off one another and divided and made to turn on one another for their favourite color team. At best you got the occasional power struggle between princes every few decades. Downright peaceful in comparison to everything since the demonic revolution of France until today. Every movement a progressive rejection of God’s providence for enlightened man.
Better to turn back to God, and live under leaders He provides from the priestly class. The Papacy already serves as a model. Or the priests can anoint a man from holy families as the prophets did. It’s better to let the choosing be done as close to the Holy Spirit’s protection as possible.
I’m just saying that the divine right of kings is not a Catholic teaching. Check it out on the Catholic Encyclopedia.
So why do people think it? I’m thinking for the same reason people thought that Ancient Chinese kings had the divine Mandate of Heaven.
If we want to be closer to Heaven, we need to remember that Heaven is top-down hierarchical and unequal. And even the natural creation reflects this. THAT should be our model. From the family to the state. An imitation of Heaven.
No one has a “divine right,” meaning their power is so absolute that there is no practical Earthly accountability. But Divinity itself does have the right to install or remove leaders, just as God removed Saul and chose David, or removed Moses and chose Joshua, or replaced the chair of Moses with the chair of Peter, which remains forever; for the King it serves is enthroned forever.
Whenever a controversy emerges regarding problems with our leaders, we need to ensure we retain what God established as much as possible even when the necessity arises to remove an illegitimate or fallen man.
Democratic processes can exist, even under monarchies, if done by what the Church teaches based on closeness to the local level, under the principle of equal suffrage by all its participants, for the common good of all, and not imagining it has any right to overide the natural and moral laws of God.
Present Democratic Nations violate all of the above and are inherently based in ruthless division and competition. It has been evolving from the enlightenment/Protestant to the practical atheistic worldviews of Darwin and Hegel, not true Christianity, and it’s anti-Christian trajectory bears this out. But most of all – Democracies are an inverted lie – the people are largely powerless unless they are willing as a group to exercise considerable military force (And any competent military is hierarchical) – and we elect largely ineffective puppets in place who are to bargain with more powerful and permanent unelected foreign and domestic forces who are the true ruling class. Does anyone really believe Biden or Trudeau or their worldwide equivalents are actually ruling their countries if they are even consciously aware of anything going on? They can’t even coherently explain why they do ANY of what they do! So WHO is running things and how are they all in lock step with one another? Is it all a hodgepodge of rival hydra committees???
I’m just saying that the Church does not have a preferred political system, as long as it is virtuous. I remember reading that Aquinas or Aristotle thinking a polity was a good system.
If many people traditionally praised monarchy, it seems because they were living in one.
Yes, democracy suck, but a despot will not make it better,
ALL Democracies wind up in tyrannies.
The ancients learned and already knew this. Even the American founders were wary of it. And we are now watching it happen in real time.
Despotism is inevitable! Hierarchical order is the natural way of things and it has been foretold and is coming for us!
Do you want a godless despot, or a Catholic King?
One of these will definitely be a better bet.
That is the end result of voting on both extremes of the line. The center will not hold. There is an evil so great it cannot be converted, it can only be dealt with by force. Any peace with it is preparation for war.
My only King is Christ. I don’t want some delegate. I don’t find an era of peace without Him as particularly desirable.
Well, until He returns, we won’t have peace. But Christ’s kingship is the point, and we ought best to order society to reflect that. Not base it on the politics of Hell. That democracies worldwide have devolved into a race to the bottom to chase equality and equity is not a random accident, it is the natural path down the slope. Life has a “Lex Orandi Lex Crendidi” too. Just as a properly ordered way of worship shapes souls, a properly ordered society shapes people.
Interesting video on some yahoo billionaires who own a vast amount of the fresh water in Cali. Shared by a fellow Catholics.
The Theosophical Library Center destroyed.
That raised my eyebrows.