21 thoughts on “61 years ago today in Dallas, the Deep State won their first big victory. Ike warned us in his farewell address. Mossad was unavailable for comment.”

  1. JFK is a fine example to use.

    It’s human nature to see combatants in a conflict as all good and all bad. Each side thinks he is good, the other thinks he is the good one.

    Reality is much different. For example, the Sanhedrin and Pilate were both bad people. One was worse than the other, but Jesus was basically crucified over politics/power struggle between Jews/Rome.

    JFK was not a good man. He assassinated our ally in South Vietnam, creating the void that led to that war. He bungled the Cuban Missile Crisis. He raped an intern, cheated many times, etc.

    He probably cheated to become president.

    What he did do was try to change the CIA. He fired Dulles, an evil man. He ticked off other evil men because he wanted to change things.

    We are on the verge of nuclear war because one evil man, Biden, doesn’t want Trump, another evil man, to threaten his work in Ukraine. Or you can call it the deep state vs Trump.

    We have a conflict between evil camps, nothing more and nothing less. My theory is that Trump was a useful idiot who is no longer needed. Others think he is still controlled opposition. Others think he is From God.

    But again if Trump becomes president, based on his cabinet picks, things are only going to get worse. We don’t have an America 1st leader.

    1. If we don’t have a nuclear war, I’ve seen this episode before. Lisa Simpson inherits a budget crises from President Trump.

      We still have a little more than five years before the Great Deadline.

    2. I think Jesus was crucified for calling Himself God and being more convincing then the professional godsplainers of the day, who couldn’t stand being exposed. They concocted the excuse that Jesus was a threat to Rome.

      1. T, Jesus couldn’t be executed by the Jews, who wanted him killed for blasphemy. They blackmailed Pilate into executing Jesus. But as Jesus said, both have committed a sin. It’s just that the Jews have the greater one. But had Pilate chosen not to execute an innocent man, well…

        This is all in the new Testament which I am still shocked Catholics don’t read.

  2. MORE winning! Trump, the “lesser evil” just nominated Scott Bessent for Treasure Secretary. He is a “married” gay men with hostages, I mean children, who worked for George Soros for 10 years.

    Do you think Trump is showing you who he is now, folks? He is staffing his cabinet like he’s Obama. Worse, in some cases.

    Yep, I feel better about my non-vote for president every damned day.

  3. I voted for Trump, not grasping how truly vile he is, how he pandered to his base. Imagine wishing Our Lady a “Happy Birthday”, (I saw through that one though many Catholics were atwitter) then embracing depravity as in the appointment Mike announces above. This appointment was made late on Friday, so as not to arouse too much outrage. Politics is so godforsaken.

  4. I repeatedly said there is no lesser evil, evil is evil, but everyone poo-pooed it. Trump will save us, he’s going to make ‘Merica great again, yada yada yada. It’s tough being right all the time🤭

        1. No country will last. But the idea , again, that Trump is some sort of katechon, a restrainer, a delayer of what’s to come just doesn’t jibe with reality.

          He is the one who released the Covid 19 bioweapon on the US public. The worst thing any president has ever done to the American people. He is either controlled opposition (kayfabe) , deceitful, or he simply has the worst judgment in major decisions. But what’s worse is now he thinks he has a mandate from God. So watch out.

          1. “He is the one who released the Covid 19 bioweapon on the US public” – No, China did that.

            Stop being patently, eye-rollingly absurd.

          2. Mark – First, his words as written don’t say that.

            Second – The jab that, though ineffective & wrong in many ways, at least knocked Democrats & media off of their lockdowns & other power trips, whereby Democrats & media killed millions more people than the virus ever did? That jab?

            But I know you don’t want to keep debating this. God bless.

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