Happy Feast of St. Therese!

When one loves, one does not calculate.

How sweet is the way of Love! True, one may fall, one may not be always faithful, but Love, knowing how to draw profit from all, very quickly consumes whatsoever may displease Jesus, leaving naught but humble and profound peace in the innermost soul.

Do not imagine that love can be found without suffering, for we carry with us our human nature; and yet, what a source of merit it is!

We who run in the way of love shouldn’t be thinking of sufferings that can take place in the work of creation.

It is true that Love knows no such word as “impossible,” for it deems “all things possible, all things allowed.”

I love you, Jesus, and bear in mind the words of St. John of the Cross: ‘The least act of pure love is of more value than all the other works put together.’

St. Therese, pray for us.

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