Let me get this straight. Correct me in the combox if I’m wrong.
Alleged Assassin #2, retreating in haste from golf course, then pursued by LEOs across two counties, writes a confession and love letter to the world with instructions for Assassin #3, offering $150K contract hit (but he has no money), and neatly states motive, with the attempted murderer extolling his own morals over those of Trump.
How does this not constitute Incitement on the part of DOJ?

Mark, you know full well the what, how, and why.
Article says he wrote the note months ago.
Fedboiz picked a couple of winners, didn’t they? A spectrum kid, with links to Antifa and a DHS Designated Marksman school, and a terrible choice for optic, and a loser with no assets to his name and a history of FedGov affiliation.
I believe it’s all a distraction, and WWIII will begin in earnest when Jill authorizes a missile attack on Moscow by NATO, Biden is offed, and newly installed resident Harris suspends the election…
It Came from Outer Space 1953.
Same writers 2024. Usual suspects.