Second assassin… I have many questions

Let’s start off with the unsecured perimeter, yet again. How is that not on purpose? Some retard with an AK and two ceramic plates sets up a turret on the fence, with cell phone pings placing him there at least six hours beforehand, and no one sees him? Did they not even sweep the area? Good grief. Some rapper twerking on the hood of a Bentley could have spotted this guy.

Then we have deepest of deep state Andrew McCabe of FBI fame chiming in with this:

Along the fence line, authorities found a sniper’s nest which included a scoped rifle, a GoPro camera and backpacks with ceramic plates.

“This whole set-up indicates a very high level of pre-planning,” former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe told CNN.

Which is interesting if true, because Trump wasn’t scheduled to golf yesterday, or at least it wasn’t on any official schedule. But somehow the retard knew, and well in advance. He knew the best sniping spot, and knew he would not be detected.

So tell me, Andy McCabe, what is the rest of the story?

6 thoughts on “Second assassin… I have many questions”

  1. Feels like we’re being conditioned to accept that political assassinations are going to be the new normal going forward. Not just with Trump, but with anyone who dares to challenge them.

    And why are the spooks letting so much hang out? It would have been just as easy to use a guy without a trail of paper and videographic evidence leading right back to their doorstep.

    They’re not this sloppy unless they intend to be.

    1. They intend to be.

      Or at least the higher ups do. But the deliberate sloppiness is a cover story for the deliberate deep state assassination. At this rate, more like the derp state, considering good useful idiots are getting harder to find.

      The shooter is a well known on the ground lefty, war fund raiser, recruiter, and has been interviewed for propaganda purposes by mainstream publications and channels. All of which stinks of him being a groomed disposable asset. One of plenty.

    2. CJ – They have to keep trying & might be getting desperate.

      Also, assume that as per usual, there would be at least 2 shooters. Real one & patsy. Maybe both were intercepted in time. And patsy, by definition, is hone we proles hear about.

  2. Read that comedian Jerry Lewis had microphones in walls of his house to spy on his kids. That long ago. Imagine what can be done today.

  3. My 19yo daughter said, as soon as she heard, that it seemed like a distraction. This guy is nothing, he’s a plant, but he’s nothing.

    They clearly want our attention elsewhere. I still have a feeling WWIII will start, Biden will get 25ed and Harris will suspend the coronation selection…like the champion of democracy, Volodomir Zelensky.

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