Butler County PD body cam roof-perch confrontation with Secret Service

Put yourself into this scene, just minutes after the assassination attempt, and pay close attention to the dynamic at play here. I find it very interesting.

The shooter’s dead body is blurred out, but there is a lot of blood, so fair warning if that gives you the squeems.

10 thoughts on “Butler County PD body cam roof-perch confrontation with Secret Service”

  1. On October 30, 2008 , Obama said at a massive rally “we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

    Mission Accomplished.

      1. My mom died on October 28, 2008. She was buried on October 31. She had a horrible feeling about Obama. As with everything she was right.

        Obama seeded the deep state with his revolutionaries. He employed Soros to attack the states. Even under Trump he got his way.

        Obama is running everything, and Kamala is his girl. I predict there will not be an election this year, she will be installed. Things are moving fast.

        1. Agree Obama seeded the deep and not so deep state with his revolutionaries.

          Don’t know if he “employed” Soros to attack the states.

          I disagree…Obama is not in charge nor is he running everything. Perhaps he gives that impression; especially since he has is DC “white house”. I think he is too busy “snorting” and ” chasing tail”….male not female.

          Some have suggested Valerie Jarret as the “mover and shaker” behind the scenes. Could be – but I would still defer to “The Council” and Senator Grassley’s influence as the “control group.”

          Whether or not we have an election this year could go either way….but whatever way it goes I believe this country will see violence and bloodshed like never seen before. As Michael Yon stated, “We’ve crossed the Rubicon” in this country and there is not turning back.

          Check out this article in the Intelligencer:

          “The Council” – Who is Running the United States of America?
          Unveiling the Faces of an Elitist Assault on America
          Gregory StenstromBY GREGORY STENSTROMJULY 18, 2024UPDATED:JULY 20, 20243 COMMENTS70 MINS READ

          I agree with Mark, “Stay frosty and confessed” and spend plenty of time in front of the Blessed Sacrament praying your rosary.

          1. Obama picked Harris for Biden. Obama put Jen Psaki and Susan Rice in Biden’s administration. Obama pushed the “Green New Deal” on Biden and the disastrous Afghan pullout mirrored Obama’s Iraq pullout.

            Obama counts on people underestimating him. Obama absolutely loathes this country. Revolutionaries don’t retire. He put in his own situation room at his home.

            He counts on you seeing him as a joke to do exactly what he’s doing.

          2. I don’t think anyone here is underestimating the evil that Obama represents. The question is how much power actually rests with him versus the people who trained him, supported him, promoted him, manufactured his identity, assembled his fake family, wrote his fictitious memoir, put him into power, and outright own him mind, body, and soul. We could fill a book with what we don’t know about the man, right down to his name (which is more likely to be “Davis” than it is “Obama”).

            But it doesn’t really matter. When you see him, you’re looking a formidable power that intends to end our world as we know and unleash hell upon it. Whether that power comes directly from satan himself or some intermediary satanic league of shadows is academic. The power is here, it’s real, and it has been spectacularly successful.

  2. Is Agent Smith performing a legitimate investigation or is Agent Smith insuring their narrative is legitimized?

  3. That footage show the roof was easy to stand on or fire from. Why it wasn’t properly secured beggars belief. The history of US presidential assassinations seems to indicate a convenient absence of key security personnel right at the time and place they were needed. It happened with Lincoln and JFK. It nearly happened with Trump.

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