WSJ: Assassin obtained birds-eye video intel by flying drone over fairgrounds on day of shooting

A gunman who tried to kill Donald Trump was able to fly a drone and get aerial footage of the western Pennsylvania fairgrounds shortly before the former president was set to speak there, law-enforcement officials briefed on the matter said, further underscoring the stunning security lapses ahead of Trump’s near assassination.
Thomas Matthew Crooks flew the drone on a programmed flight path earlier in the day on July 13 to scour the Butler Farm Show grounds ahead of Trump’s ill-fated rally, the officials said. The predetermined path, the officials added, suggests Crooks flew the drone more than once as he researched and scoped out the event site.
The 20-year-old would-be assassin fired at least six rounds from the roof of the American Glass Research building roughly 400 feet away from where Trump spoke, killing one spectator, critically injuring two others and leaving Trump with a graze wound to the ear. A Secret Service sniper team shot back, killing Crooks, whose motive remains a mystery.
Multiple investigations are under way into how a gunman was able to climb onto a rooftop with a clear line of sight to Trump and open fire with an AR-15 rifle…

27 thoughts on “WSJ: Assassin obtained birds-eye video intel by flying drone over fairgrounds on day of shooting”

  1. JFK was an awful president, lovingly remembered because of the assassination. But JFK threw Vietnam into chaos and almost started nuclear war with Russia. He also raped an intern. The CIA killed him because they didn’t like his opposition to them.

    Same thing with Trump. The deep state wants him out just because he is a speed bump, and they want to move full speed ahead. But Trump is definitely not a good man. Glad he’s alive, but this guy committed adultery, is living in sin, supports abortion, marries gays and mass murdered millions in the US.

    1. I think the CIA is only half of the story with JFK. There’s a strong case to be made that James Jesus Angleton made at least part of the agency an extension of Mossad. And Ben Gurion had as many reasons as anyone to want Kennedy dead.

      It should also be noted that Oliver Stone’s JFK was overseen by legendary Mossad man Arnon Milchan. Shockingly, the film never came close to implicating Israel (even though Jim Garrison absolutely did).

  2. This is going to get more ridiculously stupid every day, isn’t it.

    These people are just having fun with us now.

  3. “The question isn’t just how in the **** that roof 150 yards away from Trump was unguarded.

    The question is also how this gunman knew that it was unguarded.”

    Darren Beattie, Editor – Revolver News

  4. Either you believe (likely CIA asset) Zuckerberg, Super-Cool 2.0 version, is sincere here… or you believe yet another op is upon us.

    If it’s an op, I can only think of two end games.

    1) DJT has already been selected to be the next POTUS.
    2) They want MAGA to love Trump so much, they burn the country down when they steal the election from him again.

    I believe it’s #1. The machine needs young, red state men to start joining the military again. They can’t fight wars with their depleted forces of soy boys.

    1. Or 3)Trump is part of the deep state and the assassination attemp was one faction of the deep state trying to destroy another faction.

      Everyone overlooks the vaccine, as if the mass poisoning of 250 million Americans didn’t happen or wasn’t a criminal act.

      It’s quite possible that Trump is a bad guy, too, folks.

      1. I haven’t overlooked the vaccine, Mike. I do believe that it was locked and loaded long before we ever heard of COVID, and that Trump actually had nothing to do with its creation… but he still did the victory laps to promote it, and has completely and willfully ignored the mountains of evidence pointing to the human catastrophe that it’s caused. And he played along with COVID all through 2020, as though it was anything more than a rebranded seasonal flu, sold with an utterly bogus, easily manipulated test that was never intended to be a diagnostic tool.

        These things are the primary basis for my distrust. I’m not forgetting them at all. Implicit in scenario #1 is the belief that Trump has been chosen because TPTB have him completely under their thumb.

        The only real daylight between us is that I’m not completely assured in my suspicions. Mostly, but not completely. As skeptical as I may be of Donald Trump, I don’t fault people for trying to find something to be hopeful about with regards to the future of the country they and their families call home. I wish I had a little more of that myself.

      2. Trump is easily manipulated. He’s very prideful and overly concerned about his “brand”, that happens to be his name. Far being a “bad guy”, he’s just easily controlled.

        Before he launched “Operation Warp Speed” he met with the head of Moderna. Moderna had been working on a “mystery vaccine” since 2017, at least. He was told they had a viable candidate for human trials “already”, and they just needed some resources to help them along.

        The timing is key: they would have theoretically had the “vaccine” in time for the election, and he would have gotten credit for it. The fact that Pfizer and Moderna came out with their shots after the election, and the fact that Trump was PISSED that they didn’t say so earlier, says to me he had assurances it would be before the election, AND he’d get credit for it. He keeps mentioning the vaccine because he feels he got jipped, and he wants EVERYONE to know that it was done on HIS watch…

    2. CJ: “selected” by who? Those that have been trying to destroy him for eight years in every possible way he can be destroyed; up to and including trying to, or facilitating, or just allowing an assassination? That’s the selection process by this faceless “machine”? Trying to kill him was part of the plan? Or was that a PsyOp staged attempt? It’s all a just a Matrix-PsyOp to make us support him more?

      And by “machine”, I assume you mean the Deep State Blob … the same Blob Trump has been exposing and rallying political consensus against?

      I know reality now is really strange – desperate times – but at some point you just have to believe your eyes and the evidence that, at this point, is as high as Mt Everest – these “someones” are directly threatened by the forces Trump has unleashed and those who have come over to Trump, like Zuck, merely see the obvious conclusion of the forces unleashed and are protecting their interests from what us coming.

      1. We’re really getting into the weeds with this. If you truly believe that Donald Trump is an enemy of the “Deep State”, that’s your prerogative. I suspect most, if not all of it, is theatre. We’re not going to find a lot of common ground on this.

        I don’t really enjoy being this cynical, because the implications are pretty terrifying when you follow them through to their inevitable conclusions. But none of what we’re watching is particularly convincing, IMO. I’ll leave it at that.

        1. Yeah, that’s pretty cynical, to think Trump is the face of the Deep State he built his political career around ending.

          I’m more of the Lorenzo Sewell type myself, and not just about this issue. Life is short, and I aim to be more like this fellow whose Church in Detroit’s east side (hostile territory) Trump visited “on Trump’s birthday” – he didn’t make a big deal out of it … he just went and listened.

          His happiness is infectious.

          Stories like this one in Lorenzo’s Detroit Church and for his people are legion.
          And men like Lorenzo are worth a certain admiration and emulation.

          1. “Yeah, that’s pretty cynical, to think Trump is the face of the Deep State he built his political career around ending.”

            1) I never said he was the face of the deep state, because that wouldn’t make any sense. What I’m saying is I suspect (not know) that he’s the controlled face of the opposition to the deep state.

            2) Building his career around ending the deep state is your belief, not mine.

            If I believed he was the face of something he was actively trying to destroy, that would make me schizophrenic.

            At some point, you’re going to have to accept that we don’t agree on who this man is or what he’s done.

          2. “Controlled opposition” by rousing a nation against those who “control him”. Huh.

          3. CJ, sorry but I just realized you are calling Trump the controlled face of the *opposition* to the Deep State, not the controlled face *of* the Deep State. I made this mistake because that also makes no sense for different reasons and, like you, I’m tired of trying to figure it out.

            God bless you!

          4. **“Controlled opposition” by rousing a nation against those who “control him”. ***

            Sort of… but not exactly. He’s definitely rousing the masses against something… in this case, the amorphous “deep state”. But you’ll never hear him utter the names or identities of those who are actually doing the controlling.

            He’s rousing the masses to rise up against shadows. The actual powers aren’t threatened in the slightest.

            This is the entire point of controlled opposition.

    3. I made a comment here post debate, but pre assassination attempt saying the same thing: Trump may be the next president because the Deep State needs young men to willingly join the military to fight Russia and China.

      Now I’m convicted of two things: The Deep State doesn’t need Tump to get men to join the military. If they can make the shot mandatory to keep your job, they will find a way to make military service mandatory to keep your job, banking, buy food, etc. If it’s a choice between feeding your family and risking your life in the military many men will give in like with the Covid shots.

      The second thing I’m convinced of is a third possibility which you haven’t mentioned. Trump was supposed to either be dead or in prison now and the fact that he’s not means that things are going to get exponentially worse in the coming months. God help us.

    4. CJ,
      What is the PsyOp that you are referencing above that is now upon us?

      Is it the strong national consensus that is building around the populist MAGA movement that has rendered RINOs extinct and leftists disorganized and fighting amongst themselves, and a wide coalition (including the rich and famous) forming behind American conservative populism?

      Is it that Trump is not leading a populist movement but is rather a globalist Deep State Blob leftist who actually hates Americans and our Republic?

      I see a lot of comments here expressing this idea of Trumpian PsyOp, like yours, and I’m genuinely confused as to what the PsyOp is, and to what purpose, what goal.

      1. To make it appear that Christians, Jews and Muslims caused a nuclear war with their religious fanaticism and exclusivism, so that people are ready for the one world religion that brings peace. But to see why this has anything to do with Trump, you have to realize that, almost certainly, neither has Jesus Christ sent W. to office nor advised him to end tyranny in the Middle East, even if the Christian right are sure W. was divinely favored and had a direct phone line connection to God. There is a lot of prophecies and conspiracies that regard Trump as God’s anointed to deliver men from the satanic deep state, and it would be a shame if he supported Israel unconditionally enough to ignite a nuclear war. Who would the survivors blame?

        Consider this theory #4. It’s just a guess.

    5. CJ, without wading too deeply into the weeds, it’s going to be Option 2. They are playing with us. TPTB want mayhem so they can swoop in with martial law and install socialism immediately. Trump is the lesser of the two evils, but it’s Hobson’s choice because the deep state still runs things.

      They have all the men they need in the tens of millions of illegals pouring across the border. Because the red state men are the enemy they will be fighting, not their source of troops.

      Our help is in the Name of the Lord has been my constant prayer lately. Pray for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.

      1. I wonder sometimes if “red state men” will actually fight. It seems to me many red state men (and women) have already given up, declared defeat and quit.

      2. Certainly not impossible. We know their designs for us are evil, that much is assured.

        But there’s work to be done in the Middle East, specifically in the promised land from Syria to Iraq and into Iran. That can’t be completed without American might and American blood. I have a hard time seeing total collapse here until that goal is accomplished.

        But, if I’m being honest, I may be partial to this option because it buys us more time.

    6. A little short-sighted on these plays:

      1) they want him dead, and his base pissed enough to start a civil war, thus enabling them to declare martial law. I mean, these guys (the establishment) give the impression that us “right-wing extremists” are on the brink of murderous rampages every day. They need any provocation they can get to justify going after them “legally”.

      2) they wanted him dead so that the RNC could “democratically” select Nimrata Haley, and thus ensuring a Dem victory with little cheating. This would ensure a “slow burn” of the system, with time for them to implement things such as a CBDC.

      3) Its was a planned miss to relieve the Dems of having to cheat 2x as bad as 2020. They know they are losing “bigly”. Having a false flag like this galvanizes Trump as the obvious frontrunner, so a D loss in November isn’t a “shock” when the polls are so “off”. The perpetuation of a rigged system allows them to retain power. They need people to buy into it, else they have a quiet revolt that they know they do not have the resources to handle.

      4) The Deep State allows a Trump win so that they can collapse the system under his watch, thus linking total societal collapse with a Republican president, as well as Christian and conservative support. The collapse, then, will be directly associated with “conservativism”, Christianity, and Traditional values (ignoring that Zionist Trump embraces the Jewish values of usury, Sodomy, and abortion).

      It is not that Trump is a willing accomplice, but rather a means to an end. Notice how none of these options that anyone posits has the interests of the people in mind…

      1. I’ve actually considered #3 prior to the assassination attempt. A repeat of the in-your-face fraud and gaslighting of 2020 could make the country ungovernable. I can totally see logic behind restoring faith in Our Democracy® in order to keep the fraudulent system going strong.

        Not sure why they’d need to a stage assassination attempt to accomplish that, though. Seems excessive, and unnecessarily risky. But there may be factors I’m not considering.

  5. “The 20-year-old would-be assassin fired at least six rounds”

    I call bull on that. Numerous people who know firearms say 3 tops, IF that. Plus, the officer that shot him opened fire almost immediately after the first shots rang out. They had him zeroed in for at least 10 minutes before the first shot. No way he got off 6 shots.

    And then the SS director admits they had people IN THE BUILDING to secure it (not on, because a 5% grade is WAY too steep…).

  6. I came across this little article about the Spanish Civil War. That war has much fascinated me lately, as I see close parallels between the internal forces within Spain and those in America of our day: Christian and fascists in alliance vs leftist communists and anarchists.

    It is a short article intended to link to an epic book by Christendom College’s Warren Carroll – The Last Crusade

    I talked to a third generation descendant Spaniard whose grandparents experienced that conflict. He said the alliances were very complex, shifting and broad in scope. He said the fighting was chaotic, violent, disorganized, block to block within neighborhoods rather than across military lines. And it was inherently religious in nature – Christian vs Pagan.

    Lots of theories about what is happening, why, and how. But I don’t many dispute how tenuous is the internal peace of this nation; how dire the divide between elements that are simply incompatible to coexist peacefully.

    War is hell (Gen William T Sherman). We don’t want it. There is never a guarantee of victory once a nation descends into war. The only guarantee is that nothing will be the same, better or worse, once it is over. It would be far better to resolve our inner discord peacefully, politically, before we go down that violent, tenuous path of 1930’s Spain and their bloody civil war.

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