SS had eyes on assassin THREE HOURS beforehand, and then sighted on roof for 20 minutes

Good grief. The first suspicions arising from his use of the rangefinder outside the x-ray machines turns out to have happened three hours before the event, but they managed to lose track of him? Reportage from Daily Mail, which I won’t link to. You can find it if you want to.

Then, they had him in their sights on the roof the whole time. For 20 minutes. I have many questions. >>>

“Law enforcement officials investigating the assassination attempt on Donald Trump told lawmakers Wednesday that 20 minutes passed between the time U.S. Secret Service snipers first spotted the gunman on a rooftop and the time shots were fired at the former president, according to several law enforcement officials and lawmakers briefed on the matter. Officials said the snipers spotted the suspect, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, on the roof of a building outside the security zone at the rally Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania, at 5:52 p.m. ET. The shooting happened at 6:12 p.m. ET, 20 minutes later, the sources said.

“In the days since the shooting, the Secret Service has come under scrutiny for its response to the assassination attempt and the agency’s director, Kimberly Cheatle, has been subpoenaed to testify before Congress. A Department of Homeland Security spokesperson said she “welcomes the opportunity to testify.””


35 thoughts on “SS had eyes on assassin THREE HOURS beforehand, and then sighted on roof for 20 minutes”

  1. Just in case you want a taste of what we’re getting, J.D. Vance, the “hillbilly” who loves Obama, worked his way up to a law degree from Yale, and is a complete sociopath, said this about inflation at his 45 minute or so speech: “Inflation is actually a crisis of affordability.” Noooooo sh–. That’s why inflation is baaaaaad. This is something I learned in 7th grade econ.

    We’re in good hands everyone.

  2. Why were they “watching” him so long? Perhaps to make sure he carried out the plan as instructed? H-mmm

  3. Maybe this pathway is correct.

    On the other hand, maybe it’s a hoax and Trump is in on it. You have flagged repeatedly his experience in entertainment, beginning with fake wrestling. How about he falls on cue and activates a little special effect on his ear? it certainly is a lot simpler than all the fails that had to have occurred on the other pathway.

    Occam’s razor and all of that…

    Either way, they are laughing at us.

    1. If Trump is in on it, the government is also in on it. There’s no chance the supposed indictment-magnet Trump masterminded this crime with his enemies holding all of the levers of power. Besides, a former POTUS has no authority to get the Secret Service and all law enforcement to stand down.

      If this thing is a fugazi, it’s a deep state fugazi… and all of the players are beholden to them. Which seems like the most logical conclusion.

      1. Watching Trump tonight… I would love to be wrong about everything I’ve ever said about him. His unpolished, free-wheeling style* is so damn refreshing. I can see how people eat this up. The man is an incredible showman.

        (* in a “your ad lib lines were well-rehearsed” sorta way)

  4. And yet they let President Trump go on stage to be a sitting duck. Even the policeman who saw the gunman and retreated from the roof didn’t cause the immediate evacuation of the President. We have all the evidence we need to conclude that this was an inside job — a classic praetorian guard assassination attempt. Also, it’s evidence that God intervened to preserve his life. One last logical conclusion is that Clown World will try again to kill him, perhaps with a large explosion or something (which they can then blame on the Russians). I suggest we pray that they don’t succeed. Despite Trump’s very glaring faults, there must be something God wants this flawed character to accomplish. It wouldn’t be the first time in history He’s done this.

    P.S. Biden should be thinking, if he was capable of thinking, “I’m next!”

    1. How is it evidence that “God intervened to preserve his life”? How many world leaders have escaped assassination attempts? Are they all divine interventions?

      Sometimes bad people try to kill other bad people and miss. If there is any message Trump could take out of the attempt, it might be to reassess his life. But , unfortunately, it made him even more self-righteous.

      1. Sure, but, for whatever reason, it wasn’t his time to die, even though the stage was literally set for it to be. I take it as evidence God has some purpose for keeping him alive right at this critical time. Maybe it’s to be a scourge against our country. Or maybe it’s an answer to our prayers. I don’t know. It’s an event of great importance by any measure, though.

        1. Just because it’s not your time to die doesn’t mean “God intervened”. It means…your time hasn’t come.

          I think it’s a great distraction, actually. And maybe, just maybe, God allowed Satan to preserve his life, for the horrors that are to come and in order to fulfill his Divine will.

          1. Mike,
            That’s one I’ve not heard before – “God allowed Satan to preserve his life”.

            That doesn’t fit with my understanding of the spiritual order of things – Satan standing in the breach and preserving life on behalf of God’s Plan.

          2. Aqua, I’m a lay person. Perhaps I didn’t say what I was thinking well enough. I am also not a professional blogger living off donations.

            If God allows Satan to roam the earth, causing havoc, he could allow Satan to preternaturally save Trump’s life because it would in the end it would hasten the emergence of the anti Christ and thus the return of Christ.

            God allows bad things to happen.

            I am, however, enough of a Catholic to know that God is not “protecting” a man who mass murdered millions of people with the Covid 19 vaccine.

            The antiChrist and those of him will perform wonders that can only be allowed by God for the ultimate good, the return of Jesus.

            But hey I’m just a dying layperson. Take it all with that proverbial grain of salt.

          3. I’ve been reading prophecies for a long time. Trump is supposed to be a hero of America to resist the NWO sent by God and Israel is supposed to be supported by everyone as the people of God. I won’t say what I think about these prophecies but think about it and decide for yourself. What did Jesus teach versus what we are supposed to assent to be in the right side, according to these prophecies. This is from a few years ago.

          4. Mike,
            As someone who lost his job because I refused to take their jab and who relocated his very large, special needs family 2,000 miles away to a new State, new home, new everything because I was not willing to risk leftist commies taking control over my children, my life … as someone who spoke out against the “pandemic” ™️ in January the first moment I heard about it from my wife who has personal connections to China (adoption community) … as someone who saw the mandates and the lockouts and the shutdowns as a soul-crushing scam from *day 1* … As one who has been aggressively speaking *and acting* against this scam from the beginning, I am not willing to join all those who say Trump is responsible; especially to say he is personally responsible for “mass murder”.

            Why? Because first I don’t know all the facts behind why he did what he did and why. I’m awaiting further facts before pronouncing (my personal) judgement on him. I know leftist commies fit the profile of who to blame, and I have no problem taking them at their word that they’re proud of their gulags. Trump, however, is not a leftist commie. Trump awakened a nation and the world to the threat posed by the Deep-State-Blob. Trump stands for freedom, prosperity, autonomy, and returning America to its heritage Constitutional roots. He coalesced and led and leads a movement to bring all the leftist commie projects down. Leftist communism is in the process of collapse, as we speak. It’s glorious. Trump leads the resistance, his signature, to The Blob.

            So, how can he also be the engine of that which he is trying to destroy? Pharma, element of the Blob, has zero credibility, thanks largely or exclusively to the patriot movement Trump leads. It’s not just him … but he is clearly it’s leader and face.

            The mRNA genetic therapeutics were a product of elements of the global Deep-State-Blob weaponized against populations for reasons suspected but not yet known. You have to identify the enemy before you can get to know and then defeat the enemy. Identifying Trump as that enemy is a wrong turn, making resolution to the threat less likely.

        2. Maybe God did preserve him at this time because he is in a spiritual state such that he cannot go to heaven right now, but maybe in the future he will. Maybe it was just God wanting one individual soul to be saved.

  5. The enemy of God and the Church (and also my enemy of course) just tried to kill their main enemy. I understand that the enemy of my enemy is not my friend, but is it immoral to vote for a man when I have cause to believe that he may do some good for the country?

    Abortion may be missing from the Republican platform for the first time, but it was there for decades and nothing was ever done until Trump put into motion the end of Roe v Wade. Is this just a say whatever they need to now to get power and and focus on getting stuff done later? I don’t know.

    The TDS types and the Trump worshipers really annoy me. Especially the trads who think that Trump is the antichrist. A strange combination of hating him and worshiping him at the same time. Y’all give the man too much credit.

    I think he’s just a guy out for his own power, money and legacy. And now revenge and to give a big middle finger to those who just tried to kill him.

    I definitely skew on the side of liking him and it’s something that I recognize I need to keep in check. Trump just reminds me a lot of my old man and his family, all from Queens, NY as well. I listen to him and just can’t help like him.

    I think that God did preserve his life on Saturday, even if for the simple reason that if he died on that stage he would have gone to hell. There is no such thing as luck. May this close brush with death lead to his conversion. I won’t hold my breath, but I will continue to pray for him. Bigly.

    1. I don’t blame Trump for this, but overturning Roe is turning out to be a pyrrhic victory. It’s galvanized single-issue pro-abort voters, and has given the multi-billion dollar abortion industry the impetus to dump unlimited funds into state ballot initiatives that will enshrine murder in their respective constitutions. And they’re winning (probably stealing) those elections in landslides.

      1. Not a Pyrrhic victory (Pyrrhic = “won at too great a cost to have been worth the victory”). Rather a generational beachhead victory in a long-term war against this present darkness. We’ve been fighting to end national abortion mandates. We won. Now it moves into the States and our communities.

        Wars are not won tactically, but strategically. Good tactics are the material of winning strategy which transcends tactics by use of vision and wisdom. Ending Roe was a tactical victory, part of an overall strategy which is to comprehensively end the death cult (abortion and its ugly mother – pornography) not just in law but in the heart of our culture.

        P.S: this is actually primarily the job of Catholics, above all else. It is a spiritual battle, precedent to a political battle. Which is why we are struggling to gain ground since Catholics are presently scattered, disorganized, fighting amongst ourselves and without proper shepherds at this crucial hour of Church and secular spiritual need.

        1. I understand what the term means. The cost is the 50 years the battle took, and the political powerhouse Murder Inc. has metastasized into in those years (as well as the Catholic Church’s by-design loss of cultural influence in that time). The Constitutional remedy of leaving it to the states while politically withdrawing from the issue leaves little hope of actually winning any of these fights on the state level. The Democrats are unified and fighting like literal hell for these constitutional amendments, while the Republican opposition is scattered, fragmented, and underfunded. All of this is the result of that long, half-century battle that allowed abortion to become normalized in our culture, while the forces of evil behind it became a political behemoth.

          The rest of what you wrote, I agree with completely. We’re losing the abortion battle because approximately 50 million voting aged women among us have had one (accounting for repeat customers), tens of millions of men have caused/paid for one, tens of millions of parents (mostly mothers) have counseled their daughters to get one. That’s an awful lot of voters with a murder on their conscience, most of whom have not repented, and are unwilling to face the reality of what they’ve done. They’re going to stick with the party assuring them they’ve committed no evil, no matter what, with no regard for how insane that party’s platform becomes. If anyone is wondering why so many rank-and-file Democrat normies are perfectly okay with transgender child-mutilation madness, look no further than abortion. That’s what got us here.

          Until these folks are converted and confessed, they will continue to be lost to this diabolical disorientation. The One True Church is the only way out of our predicament. While I’m not happy that the GOP is waving the white flag at the worst possible time, I understand the reality of the situation. Until the masses find the Truth and come to Christ, it really is a moot point. The Republican Party isn’t going to save us from this evil.

  6. Question: Why would a “shutter speed of 1/8000th” be utilized to take a photograph of Trump standing still speaking from podium?! This is highly irregular and very peculiar. Does this suggest foreknowledge?

    You’ve seen the photo that appears to capture the path of bullet used in the assassination attempt whizzing past Trump’s head.

    Michael Harrigan, a retired F.B.I. special agent, said the image captured by Doug Mills, a New York Times photographer, seems to show a bullet streaking past former President Donald J. Trump.

    “If the gunman was firing an AR-15-style rifle, the .223-caliber or 5.56-millimeter bullets they use travel at roughly 3,200 feet per second when they leave the weapon’s muzzle,’’ Mr. Harrigan said. “And with a 1/8,000th of a second shutter speed, this would allow the bullet to travel approximately four-tenths of a foot while the shutter is open.”

    “Most cameras used to capture images of bullets in flight are using extremely high speed specialty cameras not normally utilized for regular photography, so catching a bullet on a side trajectory as seen in that photo would be a one in a million shot and nearly impossible to catch even if one knew the bullet was coming,” he said.

    1. Michael Stephen,

      Are saying that Trump planned his own fake assassination, knew he was going to be shot in the ear, or, shot in the head and die if he didn’t stand, turn, tilt his head just so and at just the right time down to the 1/10 of a second? He planned his own shooting, planned the murder of his audience? That’s actually crazy.

      1. Michael Stephen,
        Or maybe more accurately, after re-reading what you wrote, you meant just that photographer had foreknowledge, not Trump. Which means the photog was waiting in the press pool for Trump’s head to be blown off.

        I think it most likely that some rogue FBI element was tracking the kid on the gaming sites as groomer potential, opened all the logistical doors and set him up to do what he already expressed public interest in doing on the gaming sites to his buds.

        So many people have lost their minds. Evil has a way of doing that, once it takes hold and spreads in a rotten culture.

        1. The problem with conspiracy theories isn’t seeing the conspiracy (by which we mean, multiple people colluding to lie to us). It’s the wild speculation that inevitably comes with the theorizing (“because Y doesn’t make sense, X must be so”).

          The shutter speed of the camera and the speed of the projectile don’t seem to add up. Given the math, the streak seems too long. That’s my only question about that picture.

          You can question why the photographer was using that camera, but that’s easily answered. He’s a professional, he uses a high-end camera for work, that’s his go-to. Sometimes he needs that shutter speed, sometimes he doesn’t. Better to have 1/8000th shutter speed and not need it, than to need 1/8000th shutter speed and not have it.

          If the trail is too long, as multiple experts have suggested, the simplest, most benign explanation is that the photographer did capture the bullet, only slightly, and that it was digitally enhanced after the fact. Something no one involved with likely ever admit to.

          Unfortunately, that’s far from the only anomaly with this event. And this is far from the only highly publicized media event jam-packed with anomalies. It’s become the norm. Everything leads down into a rabbit hole anymore.

          It’s not really fair to accuse a perpetually gaslit people of being crazy for trying to understand this world of lies we’re living in.

          1. CJ, I have my own theories about the assassination attempt. And I don’t call them conspiracy theories. Rather I call them *reasonable theories* that make sense out of the otherwise inexplicable; they help me keep my bearings in a dishonest age of lying liars.

            My reasonable theory I spelled out above. It is based on the known facts from many disparate events that gave rise to the new word “FedSurrection”. Elements within, not all, not most, but some have weaponized their powers in Office in illegal ways to achieve political outcomes without regard to truth or consequences – for example, the MI Governor Whitnmer kidnapping hoax which was fully exposed before judge and jury and a fair trial of evidence, testimony and witnesses.

            So I infer from these other otherwise inexplicable events (J6; Trump docs case etc) that have all the hallmarks – the more you dig, the more clearly similar it all becomes. This is how I arrive at my *reasonable theories* (not conspiracy) the template of which allows me to draw reasonable conclusions about unreasonable events. I don’t speak it as fact. It’s a theory, a reasonable theory, but just a theory – which becomes more fact than theory as time goes by and the theory fleshes out with the verifiable.

          2. a ballistics expert commented that the streak captured in the photo was the bullet’s vapor trail

          3. Aqua,
            What you’re describing are literal conspiracies. Even if in an agency or bureau of thousands, if only two are conspiring, that’s still a technical conspiracy. And if the two who are conspiring happen to hold powers of life, death, and/or career over the thousands, that’s all you really need to make the thing work.

            Four years ago, we watched every leader in the world simultaneously signed on to the same lie, using identical tactics and identical language to bring the entire planet to a screeching halt and, for a time, end our way of life as we knew it. There was nothing remotely reasonable about that. It was meticulously organized, completely demonic madness on a scale most of us never imagined was possible. We lived though the grandest conspiracy in all of human history.

            I can’t put that experience aside when considering these things. I’ll never be able to.

          4. CJ,
            I don’t care about the bullet photo. For all I know it was an AI creation. It means nothing to me.

            As to what happened to Trump on that day, that means a lot. What the heck?

            Darren Beattie asked the right question: “It’s not so much that he was able to access the rooftop and take a clear shot. But rather, *how did he know in advance* that the rooftop would be clear so he could take his sweet time and set up for the shot”?

            Yeah. That.

          5. I don’t care about the photo, either. As I said above, it’s easily explained away, even if it’s not real. It’s absolutely the wrong thing to get hung up on.

            Everyone would be well served to stay focused on the shooter/patsy and the actions of the Secret Service. Because there’s no benign explanation for any of it.

    2. The streaking bullet trail in the picture is considerably longer than 5 inches. Probably a full foot. That would suggest Photoshop.

    3. Spoken with a professional photographer of many years. She informed me that it is standard shutter speed for New York Times photographers to shoot at that rate of speed in order to get ever facial expression.
      My apologies for any implication of foreknowledge by the photographer in this case.
      Sincerely and respectfully,

  7. Though they are trying to wipe the memory of this, George W. Bush told people God told him to attack the Middle East. He also played messiah. So did Obama. It seems that right wing politicians use military might might to do “God’s” work and left wing politicians fix the economy to do “God’s” (though it’s about mammon) work. I am guessing that this has been going on for a long time, but I do not have the memory, and probably its been scrubbed from records.

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