Knights of Columbus will cover Rupnik mosaics at JPII shrine, national headquarters

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) — The Knights of Columbus have announced that after more than a year’s deliberation, they will take measures to hide the mosaics of Father Marko Rupnik at the John Paul II National Shrine and in their national headquarters.
In a press release issued on July 11, the Knights of Columbus (KOC) revealed they intend to hide the huge and imposing Rupnik mosaics present at key centers.
Describing their review of the Rupnik mosaics, which began in June 2023, as “a careful and thorough process,” the Knights stated that they would now be hidden, both at the D.C. John Paul II National Shrine that they run and in their Holy Family Chapel at the Knights’ headquarters in New Haven, Connecticut:
As a result of this review, the Knights of Columbus will cover the mosaics in fabric, which will remain in place at least until the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) issues its decision on the pending sexual abuse cases against artist Father Marko Rupnik, at which time a permanent plaster covering may be in order.
. . . yep, instead tearing them down, shredding them, and burning them (and exorcising everything at the Shrine).
On a side note, I think membership requirements for the KOC are almost identical to those for the American Catholic Diaconate. You must be 1) Over 50, 2) Married, and 3) Beholden to Bergoglio no matter what. It’s not exactly a winning formula for robust masculinity, courage, or much of anything useful.
Oh well . . .
The current iteration of the KoC is entirely under the control of Opus Dei, as Randy Engel has demonstrated. It embraces wishy-washy ideas, with the aim of putting people in positions of influence so as to increase financial influence and holdings.
Rupnik should be required to chisel each mosaic out, tile by tile.
Maybe that is why God is permitting the mosaics to remain in place everywhere. So Rupnik can spend his time in purgatory dismantling them.