Today is the Feast of Saint Robert Bellarmine, and the 107th anniversary of the first appearance of the Blessed Virgin to the seers at Fatima.
– May 13, 1917. When asked by the children who she was and where she came from, the lady said she was “from heaven” and that she would reveal her identity later. She asked the children to come back to the Cova da Iria on the 13th day of the month for the next six months, and she asked them to pray the rosary every day “in order to obtain peace for the world” and the end of World War I.
Saint Robert Bellarmine battled against the Protestant Revolt of the 16th Century. His rebukes of the heretics through sermons and catechisms earned him the title Doctor of the Church.
“O God, You fortified Your blessed bishop and doctor Robert with remarkable learning and courage to expose the dangers of error and defend the rights of the Holy See. May we grow in love of truth, and may they who have been led astray by falsehood come back to the unity of Your Church through the intercession of Your saint.”

Hey – Didn’t Bellarmine advance a doctrine saying, in essence, that a manifestly-heretical Pope is no Pope at all?
Yes, famously.
The great leader to be on 60 Minutes Sunday. Just you wait…