“I worked at a hospital that said all teenagers with gender dysphoria must be affirmed. I quit my job to blow the whistle.”

Today is the Feast of St. Agatha. Please go read this short piece from Miss B., wherein she searingly describes how and why St. Agatha, is now patroness of mentally ill girls and women who have been mutilated by the Luciferian cult of transvestitism.

Next, a timely essay from a therapist who quit her job rather than ruin children’s lives. This person isn’t even against the idea of trans, she is just hoping to point out that the ideology is now tyranny. This person is only upset about children being targeted; she presumably would be in favor of adults mutilating themselves. But it’s a start. Link to the full piece at the end, but it is paywalled. Intro from TFP:

Perhaps you read the long investigation about detransitioners published in this weekend’s New York Times. It is comprehensive and sober and we highly recommend it. It’s also a piece we are confident would never have made it into the paper were it not for independent publications like ours taking the journalistic and reputational risk over the past few years to pursue the subject of “gender-affirming” care and the subsequent harms inflicted on vulnerable young people.Today, therapist Tamara Pietzke adds her voice to those of our other whistleblowers, and tells how she could no longer go along with the pressure to transition her patients.”

I Was Told to Approve All Teen Gender Transitions. I Refused.

By Tamara Pietzke

…Most recently, I was employed by MultiCare, one of the largest hospital systems in the state. For the six years I was there, I worked with hundreds of clients. But in mid-January, I left my job because of what I will go on to describe.

The therapeutic relationship is a special one. We are the original “safe space,” where people are able to explore their darker feelings and painful experiences. The job of the therapist is to guide a patient to self-understanding and sound mental health. This is a process that requires careful assessment and time, not snap judgments and confirmation of a patient’s worldview.

But in the past year I noticed a concerning new trend in my field. I was getting the message from my supervisors that when a young person I was seeing expressed discomfort with their gender—the diagnostic term is gender dysphoria—I should throw out all my training. No matter the patient’s history or other mental health conditions that could be complicating the situation, I was simply to affirm that the patient was transgender, and even approve the start of a medical transition.

I believe this rise of “affirmative care” for young people with gender dysphoria challenges the very fundamentals of what therapy is supposed to provide…I am terrified of speaking out, but that fear pales in comparison to my strong belief that we can no longer medicalize youth and cause them potentially irreversible harm. The three patients I describe below explain why I am taking the risk of coming forward…

READ THE REST (paywall)

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