“Gertrude was a 13th-century Cistercian mystic of Helfta, near Eisleben in Saxony. The book of her life and revelations, which she was asked to write in a vision of God, has been praised by scholars and saints alike. A very intelligent woman, Gertrude was early attracted to secular learning, but after the first of her numerous visions she restricted her reading to the Holy Scriptures and the Fathers of the Church. Her whole life was centered on the Sacrifice of the Mass and the Divine Office. She was one of the first to whom our Lord revealed the mystery of His Sacred Heart; He also asked her to develop a deep love for the cross and to pray for the conversion of souls.”

Does anyone know if the famous promise of the release of 1000 souls every time St. G’s prayer is said is accurate? I’ve googled and googled, and I come up with about 50-50 every time I do it.
Either way, it’s still a beautiful prayer and I’m sure it has some good effect on souls in purgatory.
Heads up guys, they are changing the bible a little at a time so nobody notices the changes, in preparation for the one world religion. If you recall, we were debating about the synagogue of Satan a few months ago. Now it is the assembly of Satan:
I’ve been noticing the changes since 2022. Some sections are completely rewritten, like Tobit wishing for death or Raphael lying.