Full text of Bishop Strickland’s “letter from a friend”… I hope he reads it again today

The following text was read out by Bishop Strickland two weeks ago at the beginning of his speech at the Rome Life Forum. He called it a “letter from a deeply Catholic friend” and prefaced it by saying it applied not only to him, but to all the Bishops. I hope he reads it again today, and I hope all the Bishops and Cardinals of the world do so as well. I hope they look in the mirror and ask themselves, why are you intent on keeping this usurper squatting on the chair, wielding power he does not possess? What are your motivations for doing nothing to fix this problem? A heretic is attempting to destroy the Church from within. How many prophecies have foretold this moment? Why were you born into this age? The Supreme Law of the Church is the Salvation of Souls, which gives you EXTREME latitude in your course of action. You’re called to be martyrs, as the letter makes plain; is it too much to ask for a statement like: “Significant irregularities have surfaced regarding the purported resignation of Pope Benedict in February 2013. Evidence has been presented in various media reports, essays, and long-form books that seems to show, both in the act itself and in numerous actions following, up until his death in December 2022, Benedict’s resignation may have been invalid. We the undersigned declare that a canonical investigation need be convoked to further adjudicate this matter.”

Here is Bishop Strickland’s friend. Link to full speech at the end.

“Francis is an expert at producing cowards by preaching dialogue and openness in a welcoming spirit and by highlighting always his own authority. He makes it seem that one who opposes him and what he proposes is an enemy of the Church. And yet it is not the blood of the cowards that is the seed of the Church. It is the blood of the martyrs. And Rome has been literally consecrated by the blood of Christians. As Tertullian wrote, ‘we multiply when you reap us. The blood of Christians is seed.’

“You cannot, indeed, you must not go to Rome and play nicely. The Queen of Martyrs has called you, and you cannot parcel out truth in pieces. After all, were we not told that the truth would set us free. The Synod has gathered cowards in Rome, those who not only refuse to die for our Lord and His Church, but indeed demand that His eternal truths be changed. And if you play nicely with these, then you mock the martyrs. And although playing nicely might ensure you are not removed, I again quote Tertullian.

“The usual complaint is, I have no other way of earning a living. The harsh reply can be, do you have to live? I ask you, Bishop, do you have to live? In fact, should you live, when you have been called to die? It is easy to assert that no real damage has been done by the Synod. But it has done untold damage and attempting to cheapen what Christ proclaimed was worth His life, and for which He indeed shed His precious Blood. Would you now allow this one who has pushed aside the true Pope and has attempted to sit on a chair that is not his define what the Church is to be. ‘As for the beast, it was and is not. It is an eighth but it belongs to the seventh, and it goes to destruction.’

“Christ has proclaimed the sanctity of life. It cannot be otherwise than sanctified, because He has created it, and He has died for it. And yet this usurper of Peter’s chair has counted life as nought, for he has endangered souls by proclaiming that they are justified before God as they are, with no need of repentance. And he has welcomed those who glorify abortion and has offered to correct no correction, thereby counting the lives of all those babies who have perished in this manner as nothing. Ignatius of Antioch wrote, “It is outrageous to utter the name of Jesus Christ and live in Judaism.” In other words, it is outrageous to utter the name of Jesus Christ and then to live as though He had not come, Ignatius also wrote, ‘I have many deep thoughts in God. But I take my own measure, lest I perish by boasting. For I myself, though I am in chains and can comprehend heavenly things, the ranks of the angels and the hierarchies of principalities, things visible and invisible, for all this, I am not yet a disciple.’ And what then, Bishop, shall make you a disciple? Be advised of this one thing: playing nicely with those who attack truth makes no man a disciple.

“Yes, the Church welcomes sinners, but she welcomes them to the truth, which is Jesus Christ. And if they are not living in truth, then she calls them to repentance. How can we declare that we love when we would allow souls to perish by assuring them that conversion is not needed? Play nicely? While the devil leads souls to hell? Play nicely? While Francis proclaims the devil’s voice to be the voice of the Holy Spirit? The streets of Rome are now littered with cowards. Where is the one who will say with Ignatius of Antioch, ‘Now I begin to be a disciple. Let fire and Cross, flocks of beasts, broken bones, dismemberment, come upon me. So long as I attain to Jesus Christ.’”


24 thoughts on “Full text of Bishop Strickland’s “letter from a friend”… I hope he reads it again today”

  1. Trad Inc. will not even speak in whispers of Ann Barnhardt. It’s so obvious to them, (IMO) that she is a powerful and dangerous grenade of truth They fear of being found out that they really do not believe in the Visibility of The Holy Pontiff. This man Jorge is not the POPE(IMO) False base premise! TM and others Stop stringing the faithful along. Please come right out with it!
    It makes no sense to me that certain Catholic internet layman ignore her latest video “Enough”( put out by supernerd media) and not have anything to say about it? Dr. Mazza is a gem of Catholic history and a family man. Please look him up and learn !
    Ann’s presentation is so easy to comprehend that a young person,( with instruction) could understand the obvious. So happy I’m a non lettered senior Married Catholic lay ( 40n yrs. married with children) woman !
    May be that’s a problem with Catholic Red Pillers. Ha!

  2. Bishop Strickland should do what Father Gruner did when they said he was suspended – ignore all illegitimate orders and carry on with his mission.

    1. Ignoring/resisting papal authority is destructive of the papal monarchy, not Bergoglio. you are playing into the hands of the V2 revolutionaries. If Bergoglio is pope, then he has the authority, very simple. Abp Lefebvre tried to do the same thing. He did not repudiate the “papacy” of Montini (Mass destroyer”Paul VI”), but then claimed he could buck his “Holy Father” and consecrate his own bishops. If you claim these guys are popes, then you must follow their directives, they have papal authority. And it would be also, then, very bad form to attack them as “evil clown”, “fat”, etc. If you accept Ratzinger as pope, then you must accept what he taught, modernism, and that he was the same as the other modernist “popes”, post Pius XII.

  3. Mark, bracingly true, like a bucket of cold water on the sleeper. These men must declare their allegiance now. For or against Christ. Hence for or against His Mystical Body.

  4. This is a wonderful opportunity for Bishop Strickland (and I hope he’s reading this) to change the course of destruction facing Holy Mother Church.

    1. Stay put. Do not leave your office. This order is invalid because we do not have a holy father right now. Please sir, do not leave your office and ignore everything from the Vatican.

    2. Use your position to call a press conference. Invite the Catholic AND the secular media. State truthfully that there were obvious errors with the “resignation” of Pope Benedict XVI which calls in question the validity of the conclave that followed.

    3. Carry on with business as usual.

    Please sir, help us. Our Holy Mother Church is being sadistically raped every single day by a madman. You can put the wheels in motion to stop it. Please, help us.

  5. Bishop Strickland needs to stay put, declare Bergoglio an antipope, and throw everything into turmoil for the Antipope and his minions.

    I live in the Archdiocese of Mobile. One thing that has gotten me VERY hopeful this summer through now is how Father Alex Crow, an orthodox young priest, smartly handled the situation when the freemasonic, Theodore McCarrick protégé bully Archbishop Rodi tried to persecute him for his orthodoxy and spiritual warfare. The archbishop tried to privately punish him and set him up with a false charge after Father Crow questioned in May whether Bergoglio was a legitimate pope and after he warned parishioners about freemasonic infiltration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mZa12BekW8&t=1s

    It turns out that his father is a lawyer, and he handled the situation from the start in a brilliant and highly unpredictable manner that really threw them off. Bishop Strickland needs to do something similar. These bullies are not used to Catholics fighting back and being “wise as serpents.”

  6. Fwanciss is the Pope because he’s the only one doing the Poping. But if Fwanciss doesn’t think he’s the Vicar of Christ (and he’s rejected the title), why should I?

    If Benedict thought that the Papacy was divisible, might it also be held that “rulership of the church” is divisible from “Vicar of Christ”, and that Fwanciss thinks that “listening to the Holy Spirit” is the job of the contemplative Pope?

  7. Joel, is that the same priest who absconded to Italy with an eighteen-year-old young woman who had just graduated high school? Is there some “alternative” reportage on this that went under the radar?

    1. Nick,

      The biggest reportage that went under the radar was Father Crow himself. A parishioner at Corpus Christi very smartly posted in June six of Father Crow’s talks, right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mZa12BekW8&t=1s so that everyone would know the real Father Crow and not the calumny engineered by Archbishop Rodi and the media against a holy and orthodox priest. In particular, watch the “Our Lady of Quito” talk from 29:00-40:00, and you will quickly understand why the Archbishop and the Bergoglian cabal have gone after him.

      When Antipope Bergoglio persecutes a bishop, a wise Catholic, even without knowing anything else initially, can be 100% sure that that the bishop Antipope Bergoglio is persecuting is a good one. It is the same here. The sensus fidelium in the Archidiocese of Mobile is that something is very “off” with this situation and that Father Crow is being persecuted for his orthodoxy.

      Once you see who the lawyer is that is representing the “parents,” the lesbian, highly anti-Catholic Christine Hernandez, who was instrumental in getting same-sex “marriage” implemented through the Supreme Court, everything becomes very clear about what is really going on: “She has also been successful with the United States Supreme Court in Searcy v. Strange, the Alabama Marriage Equality Case.” Do a google search. Unbelievably, she was also a teacher about twenty years ago at McGill-Toolen Catholic High School in Mobile, the high school Father Crow ministered at. Father Crow and an orthodox pastor took over a couple of years ago Corpus Christi parish from the retiring and very liberal priests, relics of the past when the Archdiocese of Mobile was a heretical mess. They undertook many very good reforms, including ad orientem liturgies and encouraged kneeling at the altar rail for communion. The conservative reforms were highly popular with everyone, young and old, except the cabal.

      I live in Montgomery, the other city in the Archdiocese of Mobile. All the priests here are orthodox and good.
      But we are familiar enough with Archbishop Rodi to know exactly with a little investigating what is really happening. For example, when Archbishop Rodi visits a parish, he gets into a real snit if anyone kneels for communion and demands that the person stand up or he will not give communion. He never went after the Polish priest in Mobile that he brought here from Poland, who was promoted to pastor at a very young age, who was acting as homosexual male prostitute, constructed a gigantic fence around the rectory, and placed a hot tub in it. Archbishop Rodi, Cardinal McCarrick’s protégé, only gave him a slap on the wrist and recently reinstated him into ministry: https://files.ecatholic.com/27961/documents/2022/6/frdudziak-1.pdf?t=1655733539000 Why is Archbishop Rodi so enraged at Father Crow and immediately gave him the harshest punishment possible?

      It is very obvious to us in the Archdiocese of Mobile the real reason Father Crow has been targeted. What is encouraging, though, is how Father Crow has handled it. He has really fought back and caused turmoil for the cabal to such a degree that we can be sure that Archbishop Rodi will be wary in the future of persecuting good priests. 

      1. Joel, enough. If there has been a refutation of the accusations, leave a link. Thus far there has only been confirmation, not just from the diocese but also from law enforcement, who called it a “consensual relationship between two adults.”

  8. I have to wonder how many of the ‘recognize and resist’ people would, if pressed, be able to state that they 100% believe that Bergoglio is a valid pope. Personally I doubt that many could. I think that ‘recognize and resist’ is a political tactic, not a sincere belief.

  9. According to certain prophecies the FP will make the Church take an oath of fidelity to him and kick out those loyal to Pope Benedict. It will be because of this oath that so many priests will accept the changes in the mass.

    Might Bishop Strickland be the beginning?

  10. I live here in Tyler and had the pleasure of meeting Bishop Strickland a little over a year ago as my company had to lease some land the Tyler Diocese owned in a nearby county. He is a man of exemplary honor and I sincerely enjoyed working with him. He jokingly asked if I was a person of faith and when I told him I was a Baptist (as most are out here in East Tx) he smiled and replied that at least I was a person of Christian values. This is a shame what is happening to him and the Catholic church here.

  11. I wish fired priests and bishops could be employed teaching in real Catholic schools. I read about a fired bishop a long time ago who ran a gas station for a living.

  12. I’m not worried that Bishop Strickland will be taken care of. He started as the normie priest “Fr Joe”, but underwent an awakening, a conviction of soul once he became Bishop.

    It it is around here in Tyler that if they removed him, he’d become like Obi Wan, “more powerful than you could ever imagine” because he’s no longer be tied to a diocese and could spend all his time going after the enemies of the Church.

    God will provide for his earthly needs, and not likely through attending a gas station.

  13. Bishop Strickland–and not Francis–should be Pope–it’s time for a Texas-style showdown at the Vatican Corral!

  14. I can’t believe Bishop Strickland read that letter out loud. It is a mix of truth and goofiness. I now think less of Bishop Strickland.

  15. “Cowardly Bishop Strickland Holds Lackluster Pray-in before USCCB Meeting: Urges Capitulation, Like himself, & Not to Speak out against Anti-pope Bergoglio” – The TRADITIO Fathers, 20 November 2023

    ‘Bending the Knee’ to the anti-pope, Joseph Strickland, now purged bishop of Tyler, Texas & three Neocon/Pseudo-traditionalist laymen have a “pray-in” at the U.S. bishops’ meeting. Strickland had the opportunity to Stand Up for Christ as he keeps claiming that he wants to do but instead, Strickland bent his knee to the Marxist/Modernist/Globalist/Formal Heretic Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who is no more a Catholic than is the Arch-heretic Martin Luther.

    Like all Neocon Bishops, Joseph Strickland, of Tyler, Texas, is a paper tiger. Some Neocon/Pseudo-traditionalists attached themselves to him because he was outspoken against abortion and transsexualism, both of which Bergoglio increasingly supports.
    This was Strickland’s time to fight — and he blew it. He is certainly no Archbishop Lefebvre, who called the popes of his time what they were: members of a rump “Conciliarist” sect. The Archbishop castigated the leaders of the post-conciliar-church of the Novus Ordo, founded at the Vatican II Anti-council to replace the Catholic Church.
    Strickland was purged from his diocese and thrown out onto the street by Francis-Bergoglio on 11 November 2023. Strickland was not told what horrible thing he did that made him one of the few bishops ever to be expelled from office, except that he was “too outspoken.” Bergoglio doesn’t expel bishops that are paedophile criminals. Bergoglio doesn’t expel embezzler bishops. If Strickland was expelled for mild criticism of Bergoglio, Cardinal Gerhard Muller, Cardinal Raymond Burke, Bishop Athanasius Schneider, and several other prelates have done the same without being expelled.
    Strickland should have stood his ground and refused to go. That is what the entire German bishops’ Conference, which has openly rejected Bergoglio and proceeded to perform sodomite “marriages” has done. Strickland could have openly rejected Bergoglio as anti-pope and joined with others who have already done so. That would force Bergoglio to send his henchmen to take legal action in the United States courts. If Bergoglio decided instead to Novus Ordo-excommunicate Strickland, what difference would it make? Archbishop Lefebvre was “excommunicated,” and his original traditional Catholic Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) only grew in numbers and prestige.
    Instead, Strickland held a lukewarm pray-in in front of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops meeting, which began on November 14 in Baltimore, Maryland. He was too afraid to go inside and give the bishops an education in how to fight. Nothing in the statutes of the USCCB that would have prevented him from participating. Bergoglio’s hitman in the United States, Cardinal Christophe Pierre, had asked Strickland not to participate, so the cowardly Strickland genuflected to the anti-pope once again. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
    Dear Traditional Catholics, Strickland keeps claiming that he wants to “follow Jesus Christ,” but in capitulating to an anti-pope, he is doing just the opposite. Instead of acting courageously, he has given in to injustice, instead of standing up to an invalidly elected, illegitimate, formal heretic, destroyer, usurper, anti-pope. Strickland is, and continues to be, a handmaiden of the Novus Ordo post-conciliar-church, which is most certainly NOT the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church founded by Christ.
    As Pope St. Pius X said, “the greatest obstacle in the Catholic Church… is cowardice.”

    [Source: http://www.traditio.com/comment/com2311.htm edited & revised, 24 November 2023]

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