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  1. Little off topic, but:

    What I would write as feedback (pretend letter):

    Dear Pope Francis,

    I know you are a practical man that likes the smell of sheep and despises formality, so I hope you forgive me for a lack of formality.

    To cut the with formality, I will say that I think this synod will be a disaster. The late great Pope Benedict XVI wrote that the Church belongs to Jesus Christ and is not a laboratory for theological experiments. We both know that the Church has a long history of condemning sodomy and sodomites.

    I would like to emphasize that it condemns sodomites, and not people tempted to sodomy. As long as someone ignores the temptation they have not sinned. I think people who take pride in sodomy are disqualified from being disposed to receive the Body and Blood of Our Lord, and they should stop taking pride in being tempted to sin. They should feel welcomed, no more than any other sinner like me in Church, who are tempted to sin. Just like me at times, if they are attached to sin (they take pride in sin) they should not take communion lest they commit the sin of sacrilege and first repent.

    This is where I am confused where some bishops say they should feel more welcome. As long as they don’t sin they already can receive communion, and we both know both in and out of the Church people treat them better than Christian white men. So I really don’t see how they can feel more welcome other than telling them sodomy is not a sin. And we both know that the Church has dogmatically condemned sodomy.

    And this is one reason I think the synod will be a disaster. There are many other ones, but this is the first that comes to mind. I hope my voice as a confused sheep reaches the shepherds.


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