Russia, Mary, War, Peace, Fatima, and YOU

Join me and enroll in Dr. Mazza’s Easter mini-course… only $99.

RUSSIA: War & Peace (& Fatima)

RUSSIA & MARY: War & Peace

“Beauty will Save the World…”

Immaculate Heart of Mary, World War III, Ukraine, China, Fatima, the Catholic Church, Russian Orthodoxy,  Putin, Solzhenitsyn, KGB, Lenin, Stalin, Dostoevsky, Tsar Nicholas II, Napoleon, Peter the Great, Ivan the Terrible, Andre Rublev, Archbishop Sheen, and more!

Mini Course: Sundays April 16, 23, 30, May 7

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, that you may declare the wonderful deeds of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” (1 Peter 2:9)

Why has God chosen Russia as the instrument for Punishment and Peace? An in-depth look at a “Chosen People.” What is its connection to Jesus & Mary? Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow? $99 Choose “Mini -course” and Enroll Today!

Live Classes start Sunday April 16th at 6pm Pacific and will run approximately 70-80 minutes. Q&A will follow for 10 minutes or more for those who can stay. I will suggest readings. No tests. No pressure. Content: Ages 13 and up. Recorded video link will be sent afterwards so you can watch on your own time!


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