Their planning was meticulous.
Originally posted April 19, 2021

Read the entire 89-page PDF here:
BTW, I will never, ever, commit suicide.
All of the panic, messaging, social media control, downplaying side effects… all of it was in the playbook.
Here are some tasty screenshots:

Hundreds of thousands of open, empty, unused vaxx slots all over the county at this very moment.
Care to write the next chapter?
Dr. Mike Yeadon has explained that every 2 years since 1997 they (the powers that be, Satanists) have been war gaming this. He went from a former VP at Pfizer in infectious respiratory diseases to believing that Covid 19 may not have existed at all. Instead he believes the fear of a new virus was sufficient to release the poison. And he believes it’s about killing and controlling.
In his view, based on basic science there could never be a “worldwide pandemic” of a killer virus because once it kills everyone in an area, there’s no one alive to pass it on. Which is why something mild like a cold and even the flu (he doesn’t believe the flu was a pandemic) can spread worldwide.
His catharsis has been amazing. He was never anti-Christian, but like many scientists he was , well, a believer in science. BUt he has admitted, along with the brilliant German scientist Bhakdi, that this is Satantic, that the level of planning, cunning, and deceit that went into it could only be done by people who worship Satan.
I encourage you to look at Doctors Cahill, Yeadon and Bhakdi and in the US Dr. Cole is very good. But I have found that the Europeans are out in front of this a bit better.
Thank you for providing this information and resource.