NOTRE DAME, Indiana (LifeSiteNews) —The University of Notre Dame announced that the COVID-19 bivalent booster shot will be required for all students to enroll in classes for the 2023-24 academic year.
Dr. Edward P. Junkins, director of University Health Services, issued an ultimatum to students on Monday, demanding that they get jabbed with the COVID bivalent booster by March 1, 2023, in order to register for fall 2023 classes.
“As with all required University vaccines, if you fail to complete this requirement or are not granted an exemption, a hold will be placed on your student account, which will prevent you from registering for classes for the fall 2023 semester,” the email letter states.
It notes that the mandate applies to all university students, including those “studying or performing research remotely and/or virtually.”
Bishop Thomas Paprocki, who serves as the bishop of the Diocese of Springfield, Illinois, and as an adjunct professor of law at Notre Dame Law School, last year decried Notre Dame’s original COVID jab mandate as “immoral.”
Paprocki, along with Notre Dame Law School professor Gerard Bradley, affirmed the university’s moral “obligation to respect each person’s right to make their own healthcare decisions, to freely act upon their conscientious convictions,” in an editorial entitled “COVID vaccines at Notre Dame,” published by The Observer, a student-run daily newspaper.
Bishop Paprocki and Bradley emphasized that the principle of self-determination “is the moral norm governing all medical treatment,” something they wrote was “especially salient” at the time because of the “experimental” nature of the COVID jabs, as the bivalent booster is now, being under emergency use authorization (EUA).
The pair pointed out that “college-age students who test positive rarely experience severe symptoms,” and “Many are entirely asymptomatic.”
The post-World War II Nuremberg Code of 1947, which established broadly recognized international norms for ethical experimentation on human subjects, declared that no one may be exposed to any “ulterior form of constraint or coercion.”
Clearly, Notre Dame’s mandating students to receive these experimental treatments is, by definition, coercive and violates this first principle of the Nuremberg Code, rendering it, on this point alone, nakedly unethical.
As summarized by America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS), “The Nuremberg Code and Declaration of Helsinki led to universal acceptance that no person can ever be coerced or mandated to taking an experimental treatment.” Furthermore, these principles have been upheld “by all reputable governments, NGOs, organizations, policy leaders, and physicians for many decades.”
Esteemed doctors and scientists, including former Pfizer vice president Dr. Michael Yeadon, mRNA technology developer Dr. Robert Malone, and renowned cardiologist and internist Dr. Peter McCullough, have repeatedly sounded the alarm about the dangers of COVID “vaccination,” considering a massive uptick in sudden excess deaths in the young, inadequate testing, and many other health injuries that have been increasingly reported after COVID “vaccination.”
LifeSiteNews reached out to Junkins asking why Notre Dame is mandating a vaccine for a “student population at extraordinarily low risk of being harmed by COVID, but at considerable risk of being harmed by the COVID vaccine.”
The email to Junkins also asked what recourse a student has “if he or she is injured by the vaccine,” and if the university would “provide compensation for injury in that scenario.”
LifeSiteNews has not received a response as of the publishing of this article…
Denmark and Sweden no longer recommend the jab – not vaccine for young adults. They are more likely to have a serious side effect than receive a benefit.
Sad that Catholic institutions have been captured by the elites.
They want to turn their students into hunchbacks. Its what they’re famous for.
The mandate also extends to anyone studying remotely. REMOTELY!!! Last I checked, biological viruses can’t be transmitted through CAT5 cabling!! The real notre dame has to be horrified.
Just goes to show what’s really going on. (Which most people reading this blog already knew anyway)
I’m guessing a Pfizer or moderna exec sits on the Notre Dame board…
I’m shocked and yet not surprised. After all, according to “Pope” Francis, taking the vaccine is an act of love.
Lol..”Pope” Francis.
The Washington Vs. Moscow Show is also all Kayfabe.
World leaders agree to cattle-tag the planet
G20 – BREAKING: leaders have just signed a declaration which states that vaccine passports will be adopted to “facilitate” all international travel
Holy Mary, Mother of God, crush its head!
If you are actually surprised by UND’s actions here, you really haven’t been paying much attention, and for a very long time. Did the honorary doctorate for BHO years ago not clue you in?
There is no escape. You will be jabbed. If you’re not jabbed, you will be jabbed if you need surgery and get blood. If you need an organ donation you will get mRNA organs. If you eat meat you will soon be getting meat vaccinated with mRNA shots. It is shed from people you are close to. EVeryone will either die or be so severely docilized it won’t matter.
Meanwhile our government is intruding in every aspect of our lives. Biden just signed an agreement to go with digital vaccine passports. He is having the federal reserve “look into” digital currency. All of our houses of worship are muted if not cowed. People who have been vaxed seem different, changed, almost like zombies.
My dad who is now dealing with cancer (given to him by medical error – thanks doctors) said the last 3 years have seemed like a dream. And so they have. No one has had the ability to rest, to take a breath, to enjoy life or even settle down to get answers. It’s like we have a knife to our backs marching us forward to some awful fate.
And it all started with antipope Bergoglio worshipping a demon in October 2019. If he hadn’t have done that, these things might still have happened, but they would’ve been stopped, at some point, the entire world wouldn’t have been hypnotized and herded into the cattle cars. We’re under preternatural attack, and idk when it ends. Of if it end.
Maybe Bergoglio’s “Consecration” of Ukraine and Russia to Mary’s Immaculate Heart, which actually was another consecration to Pachamam, was the booster shot letting this continue.
As God as my witness, had I the chance, I would deliver God’s justice, if he allowed me, to Bergoglio, Biden, Trump, Fauci, and Bill Gates.
Just call it Norte Shame. It hasn’t been a Catholic school in years and whatever credibility it had died when they sucked up to and fawned all over Obama. Any Catholic parents who allow their child to go there need to seriously question how deep their faith is.
Been geeking around. mRNA is how your DNA communicates with the rest of a cell. So although doesn’t technically modify your genes, it nevertheless can control what genes are expressed. It is like a biological operating system.
Well! Well! Well!
The Covid/Crypto Connection: The Grim Saga of FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried