We Will Worship God Alone
Last week Cardinals worshipped the pagan gods with a turkey bone under the title of “western grandmother” in Canada. Cardinal Manning wrote in 1861, conglomerating numerous saints and Fathers: “Rome shall apostatise from the faith, drive away the Vicar of Christ and return to its ancient paganism… Then the Church shall be scattered, driven into the wilderness, and shall be for a time, as it was in the beginning, invisible hidden in catacombs, in dens, in mountains, in lurking places.”
The prophesy to “drive away the Vicar of Christ” may have a few meanings, found here and here and here (all non-traditional links.)
The Cdl Manning quote above also reminds me of the Holy Maccabees of the Old Testament (the feast in the 1962 calendar today) who even saw some Jewish priests of their day bow down to the Greek gods of their invaders. They decided not to follow their bad priests but to hold to the Faith of their Fathers, even if such true traditional worship led to exile.
So also, we will not follow anyone in the Catholic hierarchy worshiping the “gods” of North America which Scripture simply names as “demons.” (Ps 94/95.) In rejection of any apostates worshiping “Western Grandmother,” we will worship the one True God, the Blessed Trinity, for Christ crucified has given us knowledge and ability to worship God, as only the Redemptive act of the Son of God could open for us.
Thank you Jesus, for dying and resurrecting for us. We worship You Alone.
The traditional faithful in Chicago are now “scattered” as the prophesy of Cdl. Manning predicted. This would happen precisely when Rome returns to paganism.
I love to see Fr Nix on here. His recent interview with Fr Paul Kramer on the Padre Peregrino podcast is one bombshell after another. For one thing, Fr Kramer ties in the third secret of Fatima and other prophecies with this antipapacy.
Thank you Fr Nix. So clear.
What I’d really like to know:
Does Fr. David Nix still mention Francis at the Masses he celebrates? If he does, why? Is he prepared to say that he is in communion with a man who worships pachamamma, and the “western grandmother”? (I’m willing to bet those two demons are one and the same).
If I bow down facing the direction of mecca, I’m willing to bet everyone I know at least at the at the TLM Parish I’ve attended would state: “No! We are not in communion with that guy! We’re NOT the same religion!” Why would it be any different when it’s a man dressed in white vestments?
The counterfeit church and shepherds are becoming more visible. I reject the anti-church and its blasphemies. Cor Jesu Sacratissimum, miserere nobis.