“Now is the time in which the souls of all men should be stirred with greater fervor towards spiritual perfection, and inspired with greater confidence: now when the return of that day on which we were redeemed invites us once more to the fulfillment of all our sacred duties, so that purified in body and soul we may celebrate the supreme Mystery of the Passion of Our Lord…Accordingly, with great solicitude have these divine means been given us, so that these forty days of reflection may assist us to restore the purity of our souls, and so that during them we may, by good works, make satisfaction for our past sins, and by devout mortification, purge ourselves of them…Enter then with pious devotion upon these holy days of Lent; and prepare for yourselves the works of mercy, that you may merit the Divine Mercy.” -St. Leo the Great Dear Friends Today is Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of our monastery’s Lenten Enrollment. Our whole monastery is praying for all of the persons and intentions that have been sent to us both online and by mail, and the Masses for your enrollments begin today. As we begin this season of prayer and penance, in these difficult times, let us recall the words of St. Thérèse of Lisieux: “Truly in prayer and sacrifice lies all my strength. They are my invincible arms, experience has taught me they touch hearts far more easily than words.” –Story of a Soul We pray that these holy days abound with many graces for you and your loved ones! Beginning Ash Wednesday, the Discalced Hermits of Our Lady of Mount Carmel will be offering 40 days of Masses, prayers, and penances for all of those enrolled this Lent. The world today is greatly in need of prayers and sacrifices. We invite all to enroll so that you and those dear to you may benefit from these Masses, prayers, and sacrifices offered by the Hermits. CLICK TO ENROLL AN INDIVIDUAL OR FAMILY “Thy prayers and thy alms are ascended for a memorial in the sight of God.” -Acts 10:4 |
Thanks for this Mark… Hope you have a blessed Lenten Season