Who is up for baby human brain transplantation?

I’ll see your brains and raise you some spleens…

The Jackson Laboratory at jax.org claims to be the best of the best:

- Ability to genetically engineer new strains, including mice that can host patient tumors or specific gene mutations or a human immune system
- Availability of pure, inbred lines
- Opportunity to identify disease-causing gene mutations
- Platform for identifying modifying genes and background effects.
- Mouse models play an essential role in the drug discovery process. In preclinical trials, mouse models are key to demonstrating the metabolism and absorption, general safety and even efficacy of new medicines. The FDA insists that drug trial designs rely heavily on clinical measures of efficacy. A mouse strain with relevant disease symptoms provides a primary, effective and efficient model that is vital to the process of drug discovery.
But I think these guys win for best marketing department. So darn cute:

“Cyagen utilizes a highly efficient process, including proprietary AI technology, to design and deliver novel genetically engineered models with precision and competitive pricing. As partners, Taconic and Cyagen leverage the power of our complementary approaches to redefine the customer’s experience with custom model generation by bringing the best and most competitive solutions to the market. The Taconic-Cyagen Academic Model Generation Alliance (The Alliance) has capabilities to ensure the success of any project. The Alliance provides specially-tailored products and services for the academic and non-profit markets. Together, we have streamlined the model design process to provide the academic market access to premium model generation and colony management services backed by comprehensive capabilities and cutting-edge, fully licensed technologies with competitive pricing.”

Also, don’t miss the latest from Julie on the horrific mouse games at University of Pittsburgh. Here is a preview:
Julie Collorafi
Humanized Mice Horror at University of Pittsburgh (CAUTION: Graphic Images)
This week Dr. Stacy Transancos of Children of God for Life sent shock waves through the pro-life community with her National Catholic Register article on the horrifying experiments at the University of Pittsburgh involving human fetal scalps being grafted onto mice.
As documented by Judicial Watch and the Center for Medical Progress, the University of Pittsburgh has been building up a federally-funded “Tissue Hub” for human fetal tissue obtained from aborted babies from 6 to 42 weeks gestation. The Center for Medical Progress has also focused on the experiments involving fetal organs at the University of Pittsburgh.
(This study does not involve the testing or development of COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics which is the focus of my research, but it’s important to add it to the collection of recent government-funded humanized mouse atrocities.)
A team of twelve researchers from the University of Pittsburgh published a study entitled “Development of humanized mouse and rat models with full-thickness human skin and autologous immune cells,” on September 3, 2020, introducing the hSIS mouse (human Skin and Immune System) and the Sprague–Dawley-Rag2 (SRG) rat models. Both rodent models were co-engrafted with human fetal liver, thymus, spleen and fetal liver-derived hematopoietic stem cells with fetal skin and scalp transplants.
The Methods section describes the construction of human Skin and Immune System-humanized rodents: Mice and rats were engrafted with fetal thymus, liver and spleen under the kidney capsule. Hematopoietic CD34+ cells extracted from the fetal liver were injected retro-orbitally (which means behind the eye) and human fetal scalps or human fetal skin without hair transplanted onto the backs of the mice and rats…
Yes, Mark, I do realize that this is a very serious matter and not something to make light of…but while I was reading the article I couldn’t help a famous movie quote uttered in the voice Miracle Max pop into my head.
“Sonny, true love is the greatest thing in the world, except for a nice BLT Mouse, when the Bone marrow, Liver, Thymus mouse is nice and lean. They’re so perky, I love that.” Ha!.. Maybe it’s the 5G Tower near my home. Have mercy on me and pray for me.