Home brew HCQ from the combox for early coof treatment

Remember, if it really is covid, hydroxychloriquine is only effective for the first few days, while ivermectin remains effective throughout… it’s never too late to take it. Nevertheless, I thought this was a cheap and easy solution for homemade HCQ from a trusted source:

James Andrew Dunn Ivermectin: Early, often, and full bore

Take my story for what its worth. It could just be a coincidence and our lives are in the Hands of God anyway. Last weekend, I came down hard and fast with what seemed to be the flu. And, it may very well have been the flu because contrary to what the not-so-smart, 24/7 coviet world government and state media tells us, the cold and flu were not miraculously replaced by covid and omicron in 2020-21. So anyway, in addition to the severe nasal congestion, I started to feel fatigued, extremely fatigued and unlike previous flus, had a crippling case of brain fog pop up that literally made me worthless. I could breathe o.k. during the day but at night, I felt it was a little harder to breathe. So, I was definitely sick with something despite my pony paste addiction (at this point I had upped it to a daily dose of my weight). But, there was no way in hell I was going to a doctor and certainly not a hospital in this city.

I then recalled a video I had seen around Christmas time about how to make hydroxychloriquine at home which I found hard to believe but, knowing that YouTube would pull it quickly, I had written down the recipe. And sure enough, those angelic little souls at YouTube who care so much about our mental, physical and spiritual safety did indeed pull down the bad, bad video. So, with absolutely nothing to lose, I pulled out that scrap of paper, got to work, and made the following:

1. Take 3 organic lemons and 2 large organic grapefruits. If you can’t get organic, wash them thoroughly to remove any wax or preservative from the skins.
2. Cut away the fruit portion, leaving just the skins behind and then quarter the skins. (Yes, by all means, eat the grapefruit and put that lemon juice to good use).
3. Put the citrus skins in a pot, cover with water, bring to a boil then simmer (covered) for three hours.
4. Allow to cool, strain the liquid into jars and refrigerate.
5. Upon cooling, take a tablespoon/gulp every hour.

The very next day, my level of fatigue was cut in half and the fogginess was gone. Later in the day, the congestion started to get better. Two days later and I feel like I’m back to normal though I am going to self-quarantine for the weekend just to be safe and get plenty of rest.

Are the active ingredients for hydroxy simply the natural ingredients of what happens when you boil and simmer citrus fruit skins? I have no idea but I do know that I’ve never felt so good in such a short amount of time after feeling like I was about to fall off a cliff. I’m very grateful to God (F-you Dr. Mengele-Fauci, Joe Biden, Bill and Melinda Gates, Pfizer, Moderna, the WHO, NIH, CDC, etc.) for providing me with natural ingredients that may (or again maybe not) gave me a nice healthy turnaround.

14 thoughts on “Home brew HCQ from the combox for early coof treatment”

  1. It does sound like a REALLY good idea….why the heck not?…..think we’ll just be adding this to our regular regime. I’m assuming just enough water to cover the skins? Also assuming it’d be ok to put a little sugar in, or add it to a little adult beverage or juice?
    Thanks James.

  2. It sounds something like a hot toddy, which as I recall had things like lemon, whiskey, apple vinegar cider, etc., in it. It always includes a citrus. Grandma knew what the heck she was doing. But who knew the citrus turned into a hydroxychloroquine.
    But this is interesting, the pony paste did not help your illness. Very glad you’re feeling better.
    I love home remedies like this one. Thank you for sharing it.

  3. My understanding is that HCQ is part of the quinine family. You know, that stuff in tonic water that comes from Peru’s cinchona tree, and that the label warns you against because having a lot can be toxic.
    I don’t know what’s being extracted from the citrus peels, but I’d expect it to be something quite different. (That might still help – I’m not denying the story.)

  4. P.S. Just to spell it out: I’m saying that whatever the citrus peel goodness is, referring to it as HCQ is likely wrong & misleading. A person shouldn’t think “I’m getting the drug HCQ from my citrus peel”, nor should they think “Oh please, the drug HCQ here in my hand is as harmless as citrus peel.” Likely neither is true.
    On that basis, Youtube was right to remove the video (like even the most broken clock is right, twice a day).

  5. You mentioned taking Ivermectin and still did not feel better. Were you taking Ivermectin before you got sick or just took it when you felt the symptoms? Thanks.

    1. Hi Gia. I was taking Ivy 2x a month. Once I started to feel like something was happening, I started taking it daily but this thing accelerated very quickly so I turned to the homemade hydroxy/quinine/whatever-it-is because the fatigue and the fogginess was a little scary and I figured hey, what do I have to lose? Nothing lost at all and I’m blessed with how fast the bounce back is going. Thank you God!

  6. Tonic Water has Quinine. Hydroxychloroquine is the synthetic version of Quinine. Because money needs to be made………
    Folks Chinchona bark is the ingredient that is missing.
    Here is a great recipe and amazon sells Chinchona bark. ( If you don’t mind buying from demon Amazon…..)
    Now, figure out how we can make Ivermectin at home and this shit will be over until the bastards come up with something different…….

    1. Ah. The tonic water recipe has citrus, for flavor. Perhaps some sloppy-thinking person saw it, guessed (wrongly) that the citrus has the quinine, and voila – an urban legend is born.
      I’m still curious, though, as to what other factor the citrus peel might have, that helps for real?

      1. My guess: Quercetin. My doc directed me to take quercetin and zinc every morning as a preventive back at the dawn of the pandemic. Quercetin is a zinc ionophore like HCQ. It “escorts” zinc ions into cells, where the zinc disrupts viral replication. Quercetin is OTC and can be had at vitamin stores or on Amazon. I got it cheaper on Amazon. The zinc I take is 50mg zinc gluconate.
        Why I think quercetin was the active ingredient here is that it’s present in the skin of pigmented fruits and vegetables. Google around; there are lots of articles about quercetin online. Citrus skin has pigment, as does apple skin. Boiling citrus skin probably releases and concentrates the quercetin in the water. (I’d guess some vitamin C came with, which doesn’t hurt.)
        Interestingly, I haven’t had a cold since I started taking quercetin/zinc. I almost always get at least one bad cold a year. It’s been over two years since I had one. It appears to be a broad-spectrum antiviral. I’ll probably take it for the rest of my life.

      2. I think Jeff D is correct. You’re not making HCQ, but you’re making something that does the same we want it to with Covid or other infections. However, citrus doesn’t seem to be as high in quercetin as some other easy to find and eat things. See: https://www.superfoodly.com/quercetin-foods/ Capers have 172.55-233.84 mg per 100g and Elderberry has 108.16mg/100ml. Onions come in at a respectable 40 or so mg/100g. So I’m not sure why the internet has grabbed onto this recipe instead of say a caper, elderberry, radish green, chili pepper, red onion with cilantro and dill smoothie? It would also probably help with social distancing too 😉

        1. Thanks! That’s a terrific link, and one I’ve not seen before. I wouldn’t have guessed that capers were up that high, nor that blueberries were near the bottom. The article admits that eating enough quercetin to make a difference is difficult. I take a quercetin/bromelain capsule containing 800 mg of quercetin. I wasn’t guessing; that was the precise product that the doc told me to get and take daily.

  7. Cinchona (pronounced /sɪŋˈkoʊnə/ or /sɪnˈtʃoʊnə/[1]) is a genus of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae containing at least 23 species of trees and shrubs. All are native to the tropical Andean forests of western South America. A few species are reportedly naturalized in Central America, Jamaica, French Polynesia, Sulawesi, Saint Helena in the South Atlantic, and São Tomé and Príncipe off the coast of tropical Africa, and others have been cultivated in India and Java, where they have formed hybrids.
    Cinchona has been historically sought after for its medicinal value, as the bark of several species yields quinine and other alkaloids that were the only effective treatments against malaria during the height of European colonialism, which made them of great economic and political importance.
    The artificial synthesis of quinine in 1944, an increase in resistant forms of malaria, and the emergence of alternate therapies eventually ended large-scale economic interest in cinchona cultivation. Cinchona alkaloids show promise in treating falciparum malaria, which has evolved resistance to synthetic drugs. Cinchona plants continue to be revered for their historical legacy; the national tree of Peru is in the genus Cinchona.[2]

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