Happy Bergoglian Epiphany, you Parking Lot-Trad, stuck, nestled inside formal religiosity and a dead language of lost desire, and all you priests into clerical functionalism. Sad.

“The journey of life and faith demands a deep desire and inner zeal.  Sometimes we live in a spirit of a “parking lot”; we stay parked, without the impulse of desire that carries us forward.  We do well to ask: where are we on our journey of faith?  Have we been stuck all too long, nestled inside a conventional, external and formal religiosity that no longer warms our hearts and changes our lives?  Do our words and our liturgies ignite in people’s hearts a desire to move towards God, or are they a “dead language” that speaks only of itself and to itself?  It is sad when a community of believers loses its desire and is content with “maintenance” rather than allowing itself to be startled by Jesus and by the explosive and unsettling joy of the Gospel.  It is sad when a priest has closed the door of desire, sad to fall into clerical functionalism, very sad.”


8 thoughts on “Happy Bergoglian Epiphany, you Parking Lot-Trad, stuck, nestled inside formal religiosity and a dead language of lost desire, and all you priests into clerical functionalism. Sad.”

  1. The Novus Ordo is the best example of a community closed in upon itself; Priest faces people, people face Priest. Speaking but not saying much. Listening but not hearing. The data confirms what is really dead.

  2. What is the anti pope babbling about now? Nothing is more riveting, exciting, startling, shocking, and joyous than living the authentic Catholic Faith of the Saints, expressed in full through the Latin Mass. Our Lord is physically present, offered for our sins, miraculously hidden under the forms of bread and wine. Top that. You can’t. The Church Triumphant surrounds us, prays for us, guides us if we only open our hearts. No “encounter” or “dialogue” can come close.

  3. “We do well to ask: where are we on our journey of faith? Have we been stuck all too long, nestled inside a conventional, external and formal religiosity that no longer warms our hearts and changes our lives? Do our words and our liturgies ignite in people’s hearts a desire to move towards God, or are they a “dead language” that speaks only of itself and to itself? It is sad when a community of believers loses its desire and is content with “maintenance” rather than allowing itself to be startled by Jesus and by the explosive and unsettling joy of the Gospel. It is sad when a priest has closed the door of desire, sad to fall into clerical functionalism, very sad.” (Jorge Bergoglio, from his homily on the Feast of the Epiphany 2022).
    “New ways, New paths” – yep, I agree. It is time.
    Not a terrible homily, actually. Time to open the doors of Clerical functionalism to new ways, new paths … out with the unjust old hidebound Vatican II and return to our roots of our forefathers, in the communion of Saints with Jesus Our Lord and the Mass of Ages of Pope St. Pius V. Perfect … all of it perfect, just as you would expect from the merciful Jesus who gave us the precious Deposit of Faith
    If read that way, then I agree with every word of that homily.
    Either way … our politics and disputes fade into meaningless baubles in the face of THIS – THIS is what we Catholics are about and always have been.
    I urge you to watch this from Mel Gibson – the rest of the Story …
    Jesus! King of Kings! EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW!

  4. Nope! I just need a daily clown “mass” for all that!

    Believe it or not, I actually was “startled by Jesus” in the Latin Mass (Let’s not mince words: It’s “The Mass.” Going all the way back to the first public Mass The Lord performed after the Resurrection on the Road to Damascus, there isn’t anything else to call it.)
    It’s a real humbling experience to realize that a huge chunk of history has been “hiding in plane sight” and in many cases intentionally hidden from you. It isn’t something that popped into existence in 1962. It goes back THOUSANDS of years. There are manuscripts showing the prayers of the Mass from 800s (the Mass predates that century), and you can compare them to modern day missals showing the SAME prayers.
    Remove the Mass, and you destroy the Church. The three generations since the close of Vatican 2 have shown that. By every measurement you can come up with, the Church in the West is in smoldering ruins since that failed council.
    It isn’t just about the language either! Modernists can’t understand that. It isn’t some “dead language,” it isn’t a silly “Renaissance Fair”, it is our connection to our history, it is the Mass of the Saints, the Mass of the Martyrs, and no one has the right to take it away from us.

    1. More than just a connection to the past, Latin is an outward symbol of the Catholicity of the universal Church. Anyone, anywhere, in any country in the world, could enter into a Catholic Church and follow the Mass. With the introduction of the vernacular the Mass lost its universality and became part of the Tower of Babel.

  5. Pissed-Off Purevlood, in response to your comments – we have been so conditioned to our spiritually starving condition in the gulag of our Vatican II camp, we don’t even know what it is like to be full, healthy, strong, eat good good foods, perform useful labor, laugh hard, sleep well, etc. We slog through our days and are thankful for a crumb we might find in the crack of a table, or a scrap of gristle left behind when the trash was taken out from our guards’ table. Then we see (at least for me) a video like that I linked above and remember what the Faith *actually* is. And we start to gain an understanding of modern heroes like Arbp LeFebvre who sacrificed everything for we, the sheep, not yet born when he made his consequential decisions on our behalf that allow us to endure, survive, thrive even.
    My wife has had some reservations and disagreements about certain issues surrounding the slowly gathering return to Catholic orthodoxy. We have had many a discussion about these topics, but the Catholic ethos is such that it is almost impossible to imagine any other reality beyond that which is presented to us before our eyes. You can read about previous generations of the Faith and admire what books might say about this or that. But we live in this world and it is hard to break out of that which binds us – physical reality. What I might it be? What should it be? What has it always been? Those are intangible possibilities compared to the physical reality of what is.
    For instance: “There is no salvation outside of the Church”. Those who love Jesus with all their hearts in the Protestant churches, our family and friends – going to hell, damned. That is hard for her to accept.
    She watched this video about Arbp LeFebvre and it completely changed her understanding, her beliefs even, in ways that our many conversations never could. It is a 1+45 documentary, and according to her it is a film that powerfully presents the crisis, the outright rebellion, of Church Fathers we wouldn’t normally suspect. It has been really, really bad. Which is why we can now have two Popes and no one even bats an eye. The active Pope conducts Wicca incantations and holds a literal Wicca Stang, containing the image of our Lord within the wood (!!), idols on the altar of our holiest Shrines and no one within the hierarchy really cares. This documentary explains why this is so. We have been SSPX attenders for some time, but this movie has made an impact.
    A trailer:
    The movie is available on Vimeo.com

    1. Interestingly the documentary about the man who was the sole legitimate and persistent voice of opposition to the Vatican II rebellions, sole focus of contention, was released in February 2013. Pope Benedict XVI also resigned his “Ministry” in February 2013.

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