What follows is a full cross-post with permission from Fred Martinez at Catholic Monitor. The first two paragraphs are an excerpt, then commentary from Fred, then the full letter below the last picture. As the deathvaxx mandates and deadlines creep nearer, this is the hill. The next six weeks will determine if we can defeat this tyranny, all of it, and these pilots know they are the tip of the spear. 30% unvaxxed, and I’m hearing American Airlines is about the same. Your entire airline collapses if a third of your pilots go missing, and replacing them costs money and time. These men and women have the power to cripple interstate travel, just in time for the holidays. This will never end until we say it ends, and this is it. Pray for them. -Mark

And there stands the lonely Southwest Airlines pilot, on the taxiway facing that once beautiful jet, now threatening and deadly. He does not comply. He risks everything. All by himself if need be. And thereby, he speaks for us all. And we are all essentially with him, because the threat is universal.We win when we decide we’ve had enough and stand with that lonely pilot and any other lonely soul making their stand. And these souls, these people are everywhere, in every town, neighborhood, family, home.
This is the hill. The last hill. We must defend this hill and then take back all the others. Because there is no hill after this one. They have almost taken it all. It is late. But not too late. It is time to band together. This time, government won’t save us. The Courts won’t save us. The threat is against the individual and as individuals we must meet the threat. – A plea to the Southwest pilots and all Americans from a father as well as a former professional pilot
This is a plea to the Southwest pilots and all Americans from a father as well as a former professional pilot who has been involved in professional aviation since the ‘60’s when his dad was an airline pilot – his entire conscious life. My friend in this American and worldwide battle told me after he emailed me this post: “The topic is very personal to me. It has genuinely changed the arc of my life, career, family. In submission to God, I am convinced that it is all for the good. But the change is profound. And so many, perhaps all, are experiencing it along with me.” The Catholic Monitor and I are honored to post it: When the power of the State comes calling and demands you submit to its will and that you do to yourself and your family whatever it asks, for any reason it chooses to ask – what will you say then to the fascist Oligarchy (government/corporate alliance) represented by HR, your supervisor, your boss, the armored-up policemeneea at your door. What will you do?
The choice is pictured in this simple little Meme:

The tiny, insignificant lonely free individual citizen over here. The fascist power of the State and Big Business in alliance over there. One lonely man speaks for the multitude on one side, ultimate power speaks for one against the multitude on the other. America and individual liberty and autonomy under God, or Totalitarian collective forced compliance under, by and for Dear Leader.
This threat we face is not that of violence and the tank, as the young Chinese student in Tiananmen. That threat, terrible as it is, you can see, but aims at simple physical domination, no more.
This modern threat is more insidious but thereby more total. It is personal, individual, spiritual, economic oppression that enters in and takes from us at the most intimate and personal levels – and in that personal space, that was once before free, there it now asserts practical and total control over us. In that control and in our submission to it, it thereby breaks our will and capacity to live and survive as autonomous children of God. We do as directed in order to survive and get “cookies”.
Orders, orders, orders … always more orders flowing out through the channels of the PsyOp Information Network (PIN).
“Do this”. We do it.
“Lock down your business and every business to stop the spread. Shut it all down”. We shut it all down.
“Close all your Churches”. We close them.
“Prohibit the Sacraments”. We prohibit them.
“Stay home for a long time”. We stay home.
“Turn in your neighbor if they leave”. We turn them in.
“Wear a mask”. We wear a mask.
“Wear two”. We wear two.
“Stand six feet apart”. We distance.
“Mask your kids”. We mask them.
“Make all social and commercial enterprise dependent upon compliance”. We submit.
“Pat your head, stand on one foot and rub your stomach in circles”. We do it (just kidding, even though many would).
“Get a vax”. We get a vax.
“Get another”. We get another.
“Blame the non-compliant if you still get sick”. We blame them.
“Fire and exclude those who don’t comply”. We fire and exclude them.
“Hate those non-compliant who are starving and suffering on the peripheries of life”. Grrrrrrr!!
The list goes on and on and on. There will never be an end to this list as long as we allow ourselves to be ruled by a fascist oligarchy of government/big-business tyrants who have usurped our God given rights, endowed to us by our “Creator”, our God.
The point is not the action that they demand. The point is our obedience to futile and insane demands. The demands will never end and their incoherence will only grow to enforce our knowledge of subservience. The above list is just a sample prior to the main course being prepared for us.
And many don’t even realize it is happening to us. We are changed without knowing it, and living in ways thought impossible before. We’ve not been quantifiably defeated on a battlefield. We’ve been implicitly defeated in our souls, defeated again and again, every time we “comply” against our conscience, our good judgement.
It is as if a spiritual virus has run through society at the individual level and re-made what we’ve valued but taken for granted for generations. Presumptions of freedom, liberty, and autonomy as unique children of God, responsible to God for how we live for Him and for others have been replaced by assumptions of the collective, the common good, duties to the State led by a wise few as the source of wisdom and privileges for all.
We don’t stop and think about it. It just is. Government is all. We are nothing. God is absent (dead?). When did that happen?
And so – Southwest Airlines goes to its Pilots and asks them very personal questions about their medical choices and makes very personal demands about what substance they are required to inject into their body – the morality of that decision is for the CEO to calculate and decide, not the employee unit. You have no say. You are a widget that needs to comply. Inject or go to the hot place, both you and your entire family with you. Submit. By Dec 8. Have a nice day. 🤤
And there stands the lonely Southwest Airlines pilot, on the taxiway facing that once beautiful jet, now threatening and deadly. He does not comply. He risks everything. All by himself if need be. And thereby, he speaks for us all. And we are all essentially with him, because the threat is universal.
We win when we decide we’ve had enough and stand with that lonely pilot and any other lonely soul making their stand. And these souls, these people are everywhere, in every town, neighborhood, family, home.
This is the hill. The last hill. We must defend this hill and then take back all the others. Because there is no hill after this one. They have almost taken it all. It is late. But not too late. It is time to band together. This time, government won’t save us. The Courts won’t save us. The threat is against the individual and as individuals we must meet the threat.
They are trying to take it all from us without firing a shot.
Totalitarian Oligarchy or Constitutional Republic: that is the stakes.
We must stand together or we will all fall apart.
Thank you! God bless you.
I really appreciate you cross-posting this. I have never before written an article for a blog. Fred asked me to, so of course I did. It kind of took me back to the days when I had to write a term paper in college and I was late getting it started – oh, the pressure!
But this particular topic was easy for me because it is so personal. Not only that but it is likely personal to everyone, everywhere. This is the big one. Many are just starting to realize the enormity of what is happening, and it is late, very late, and inky the other side has been active while we slumbered.
People are really hurting and people are really scared. I moved to a deep Red State (Texas fwiw) last year as part of my response to the gathering storm. I quickly met many families who were on the spectrum of concerned to terrified as their lives were being stripped on the spectrum of partial to total.
I have deep, deep ties to the airline industry, but have left it behind some time ago. I have no current knowledge of what is happening there, but based on my experience I can imagine with some certainty.
Also, fwiw, the entire thing is what I wrote for Fred, over at Catholic Monitor. Fred’s only commentary was the third paragraph, above the picture. I really appreciate his offer for me to write for his blog. And to you for re-posting.
God bless all my fellow Catholics who are hurting and suffering and intimidated by what the State is doing in this rapidly changing world. Take a moment to thank God that we live in days in which we can prove our love and devotion to our Lord; prove our Faith in His Divine Providence to deliver us from evil and lead us to eternal life, no matter what happens here on earth. We are dead to the world already … right? Nothing can harm us here. These trials just make our Cross that much more powerful and useful on our personal road to meet Jesus on Golgotha.
Thank you, I will correct that.
Fixed. And thank you for writing this.
I can’t thank you enough for writing this. Exactly what I needed right now. I too have just officially been told I will no longer be employed after December 8th. Is this date a federal mandate? I’m in the telecommunications industry.
I can’t afford this. But I know what I have to do. The choice is between killing me physically or killing my soul. It’s an easy choice.
I’ve known this was coming for years. But deep down I really thought it was for a different time and generation. It’s happened way faster than I thought.
What worries me the most is that having faith I should be at peace. But I’m really scared for what’s coming. I can’t help it. It can get a lot worse. 5 years down the road, am I going to have a heart attack, and be sitting in a hospital forced to sign a waiver to be vaccinated before they will help me? I can see it getting to that point.
You have nothing to worry about. God wins. And if you have to suffer, it means you are being offered more and more graces. Reach out and cooperate with those graces.
God bless you, IslesRoo!
Thanks Mark
Remember what December 8th is- the feast of the Immaculate Conception. Our Blessed Mother has crushed the head of Satan, will conquer him in the triumph of her Immaculate heart. The enemies of God and His Church know what they are doing. The date isn’t random. They are thumbing their noses at God and His Mother. Since most people have no idea what is truly going on they also do not recognize the significance of this date and the supernatural battle which is to ensue.
I saw this on Twitter yesterday and have kept it. It’s relevant to your approaching decision (you’re added to my rosary intentions for the foreseeable) but there’s a good chance that sooner or later, we’ll all be challenged to put this into practice in our own lives. I need to at least start by memorising this because at the moment, I’m light-years away:
‘There is only one evil in this world and that is sin. We are accustomed to regard the sufferings, contradictions and hardships of this life as evils, whereas they are in reality graces; they do not separate us from God; they bring us closer to Him.’
Germany has begun to do it folks!
No essential services (food, medicine) for those who do not possess the Mark of the Vexx!
Epistle of St Paul to the Ephesians
Chapter 6
“Put you on the armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the deceits of the devil. [12] For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places. [13] Therefore take unto you the armour of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and to stand in all things perfect. [14] Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of justice, [15] And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace:”
Bergoglio: in the name of God I ask for universal wages and vaccines for everyone
Delta Airlines is not going to impose a mandate on their employees. They “say” that 90% of their employees have already taken the shot.
Cutting people off from food in Germany… When people need food and water, guess what? They’re going to get food and water.
I’m in a very unique position…
I’ve got no debt, and some nice side-incoming coming in, I have and know how to grow my own food… People are more than welcome to fire me, and take over. I suspect that it would go something like this: “Hmm, let’s figure out what he was doing, how hard could it be… O-M-GAWED! I DIDN’T KNOW MATH COULD BE THIS HARD!!”
I know you have exposed much of this on your own here, Mark, but you may not have seen this particular clip. This is insider whistleblower info on what is happening to us and how they are doing it without us knowing.
This video from a well respected and high ranking community hospital PA in New York about her experience with Covid, the vaccine, vaccine injuries, pressure to submit to the “consensus”, VAERS info, VAERS discrepancies…. simply fascinating and the most informative interview hour I’ve seen on this topic. I understand this far better than I did before watching it, and I pay really close attention.
What the scientism religion is doing to us is an ongoing act of violence against citizens and against American workers, especially health care workers, as she clearly describes here:
The PsyOp Info Network (SIN) does not want you to see this video. The end of the video is powerful. I hope you don’t mind me giving it away (spoiler alert): this highly experienced front line PA in the middle of the vaccine and reporting system will NEVER take the vaccine because … she IS TERRIFIED by what she has seen.