By MEILING LEE July 24, 2021
In an effort to help end the pandemic, an international coalition of medical experts is holding worldwide events Saturday to raise awareness about the effectiveness of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19.
Organizers of the World Ivermectin Day say doctors and supporters of the inexpensive FDA-approved drug will host free online and public events in over a dozen countries.
Two nonprofits—Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance and the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development (BIRD) group—who have been campaigning for the off-label use of ivermectin to prevent and treat COVID-19 say the event’s focus is to let more people know that the antiparasitic drug can treat COVID-19, possibly end the pandemic, and help eliminate fear of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus.
“We have an incredibly positive and uplifting message to share: ivermectin treats and prevents COVID and it is the key to unlocking the never-ending cycle of pandemic peaks and personal restrictions and will help restart economies,” Dr. Tess Lawrie, cofounder of the BIRD group said in a press release.
Lawrie is also a co-author of a peer-reviewed meta-analysis study published in the American Journal of Therapeutics that found ivermectin to be effective against COVID-19, the disease caused by the CCP virus. Lawrie and her team concluded with a moderate level of confidence that ivermectin reduced the risk of death by an average of 62 percent, at a 95 percent confidence interval of 0.19-0.73, especially when prescribed early.

FLCCC Alliance also conducted their own review of 18 randomized controlled trials on COVID-19 treatment with ivermectin. They found “large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance.” The authors also said that studies on the prevention of COVID-19 reported significantly reduced risks of the disease with regular use of the drug…
As someone who travels quite a bit for business and for family reasons, I have no doubt that ivermectin (by the grace of God) has protected me and my family from any and all nasties. None of us, and for the record my 82 yo parents are both cancer survivors, have had any illness whatsoever since covidism started. Pony paste power!
God bless, and I mean, God BLESS, the doctors and medical people who have the integrity and morals to stand up during this insane time and say there is treatment for Covid. When we had it, our doctor offered nothing, nada, zip, and we were sick for one month. Now thank God there are protocols. Dr. Peter McCullough is also an expert on treatment for Covid, and as an internist and cardiologist, he has credibility. Get a protocol ready, take prophylaxis (lesser of the protocol, generally) and have your medicine at the ready. I can tell you, we’re in our 60’s, and we’ve had flu’s and whatnot. Covid is not a flu. It is most certainly not a “chest cold”. It is very different, but obviously, survivable. We took part of the protocol, and wish we had known about more.
54 year old, married, white male. No illness of any sort in the past 2 + years. Been dosing Ivermectin one time a month for the past seven. I will stay on Team Pony Paste. Is anyone taking prophylactically more than one time a month?
I’m doing every three weeks, and also the 1000 C, 2000 D3, 100 K2, etc daily.
I work as a nurse, so I take it once a week.
Hello, i have just started to take the Ivermectine prophylactically on July 5th but because I am going on a trip may I take tomorrow as well.? I am taking a dose of 1.25 from the injection cattle and sworn 1% Ivermectin…
The protocol says every two weeks.