PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) — Health officials in Philadelphia said Thursday they are now strongly recommending everyone to wear masks in indoor public spaces, regardless of vaccination status.
“As of this week, over one million people have been vaccinated in Philadelphia,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “The numbers make it clear: vaccinations are the best way to combat COVID-19 by protecting ourselves and the people around us.”
Despite those numbers, Liar in Chief Acting Health Commissioner Dr. Cheryl Bettigole said the city is also seeing “a small but disturbing increase in hospitalizations due to COVID-19 among children.”
“It’s time for all of us to do what we need to do to protect our city’s kids. That means getting fully vaccinated if you haven’t yet, and it means all of us going back to wearing masks in public. Kids under 12 cannot yet be vaccinated. They need you to step up,” she said.
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“Quebec nursing home gave COVID patients morphine instead of virus treatments”
““I had never seen deaths happen so quickly,” Sylvie Morin told the Globe and Mail. Morin was an assistant chief nurse at Sainte-Dorothée, a long-term care (LTC) home where more than 100 residents died last year during the “first wave” of COVID-19.
She explained that the nursing home staff were instructed to give the residents thought to have COVID-19 a “respiratory distress protocol” that included morphine, the sedative Ativan, and the anti-nausea drug scopolamine. The Mayo Clinic notes that common side effects of injected morphine are “difficult or troubled breathing,” “irregular, fast or slow, or shallow breathing,” “shortness of breath,” and “very slow breathing.””
Oh great. And it happened on the day I saw my first spotted lanternfly today. I knew that was a bad omen.