Barnhardt Podcast #151: Weapon of Mass Destruction

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Barnhardt Podcast #151: Weapon of Mass Destruction

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In this episode Ann, Dr. Mazza, Mark Docherty, and Supernerd discuss the disastrous document vomited out of Rome this past Friday, the effects we expect to see in the short term, and quote from Church History and a few Church Doctors on the licitness and necessity for the laity to speak up and question things when the rightful defenders of the Faith fall silent. Remember that PRIESTS are going to catch the brunt of the fallout from this new document so it’s paramount we pray for priests and let them know we support them: we need them far more than they need us!

Council of Trent Session 22 says Our Lord’s words are in the Mass:

“On the Canon of the Mass. And whereas it beseemeth, that holy things be administered in a holy manner, and of all holy things this sacrifice is the most holy; to the end that it might be worthily and reverently offered and received, the Catholic Church instituted, many years ago, the sacred Canon, so pure from every error, that nothing is contained therein which does not in the highest degree savour of a certain holiness and piety, and raise up unto God the minds of those that offer. For it is composed, out of the very words of the Lord, the traditions of the apostles, and the pious institutions also of holy pontiffs.”

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6 thoughts on “Barnhardt Podcast #151: Weapon of Mass Destruction”

  1. Great podcast, great blog(s), thanks for your work , but I go to Mass at Mater Dei in Dallas at least once a day and we do NOT have dialogue Mass. Thanks again, In Corde Mariae, Claire Galin


  2. Thank you all! I knew I would not be disappointed.

    The distinction between “laughing at/ignoring” an antipope vs the papacy is crucial. All the R&R types are destroying the very entity they love.

    Question to Super Nerd….curious as to when and what you come around to embrace BiP?

  3. You gave me the biggest belly laugh during the podcast Mark, when, not missing a beat to Dr Mazza
    relating what Karl Rahner wrote in 1962, “that feeling that you get when you realize you’ve got Karl Rahner on your side”…

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