Following the Scientists Who Were Destroying America Just to Spite Trump

By Brian C. Joondeph, MD

For the past year and a half of COVID, we have been told by those supposedly in the know, to “follow the science.”  Those who question the science are at best called names, like “deniers” or “racists”, and at worst, lose their jobs and reputations, and are banned from social media.

One gets an appreciation for what scientists of centuries ago endured as they questioned science dogma of the day such as the Earth being flat or the Sun revolving around Earth. Such censorship was attributed to the medieval scientific mindset centuries ago long before the enlightened age of Facebook, Twitter, and CNN.

Last year’s outbreak of the Chinese coronavirus allowed the world to travel back in time to an age where sailors feared sailing off the edge of the world into a pit of monsters or nothingness. Instead of being called “flat Earthers” they are called anti-maskers or anti-vaxers. How did we get to such a place where science can’t be questioned, at least science deemed incontrovertible by the government and media?

It started with the climate change movement. Back in the 1970s, we faced a crisis of global cooling. A few decades later it changed to global warming, where the planet would heat up enough to melt the polar ice caps, flooding coastal cities. When these fatalistic predictions failed to pan out, the movement created a new name, climate change, that conveniently covered both warm and cool temperatures, rain, drought, storms, and all other forms of weather, attributing normally changing weather to something nefarious

Scientists are supposed to follow the scientific method, observing natural phenomena, collecting data, forming a hypothesis to explain these observations, then refining the hypotheses as new data emerges. Instead, with both climate science and COVID the process has been reversed, ignoring or jiggering the data to conform with a predetermined hypothesis, rejecting new or contrary data simply because scientists did not like or approve of the source of the contrary data.

The origin of the Chinese coronavirus has been a touchy topic. Dr Fauci and the medical smart set assured us that it came from a wet market and an animal host, despite no such host ever being identified. Ignored was the fact that the city of origin, Wuhan, was home to a bio lab that specifically studied coronaviruses.

Also ignored was that Dr Fauci and his agency were funding, either directly or indirectly, gain of function research into coronaviruses, essentially making them more contagious and/or deadly. Lastly, Dr. Fauci participated in a ‘secret meeting’ with scientists about COVID-19 origins in Feb. 2020, before the pandemic really began, where lab origin was already considered probable.

YouTube screen grab

Even comedian Jon Stewart surprised fellow leftists by recently making an impassioned case that COVID came from the Wuhan lab.

But the scientific community didn’t want to hear of this. Why? Because President Trump suggested the possibility and dared name the virus after its place of origin, calling it the Wuhan flu, which was somehow considered racist. The same scientific community had no trouble with Ebola, Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, German measles, Hong Kong flu, West Nile virus, and a host of other diseases named after their origination point without talk of racism. But Trump didn’t name those other viruses.

Now that Dr Fauci’s past emails have been made public, showing his gain of function funding at the Wuhan lab, all of a sudden, the lab leak hypothesis is gaining traction. Is it because of new science? Or is it because of who is in the White House?

As Forest Gump would say, “just like that,” scientists are now curious over the lab leak hypothesis, after adamantly denying it for well over a year, and want to investigate further, according to a letter published by 18 scientists. As NBC reported,

And while public discussion of a potential lab leak has shifted significantly in recent months, as more people pay attention to a theory that was originally promulgated by former President Donald Trump and his followers, the scientific evidence has remained unchanged, according to interviews with five virologists who have experience in microbiology, infectious disease ecology and viral evolution.

Note “the scientific evidence has remained unchanged”. So what did change? The President changed.

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7 thoughts on “Following the Scientists Who Were Destroying America Just to Spite Trump”

  1. Oracle, (noun): a priest or priestess acting as a medium through whom advice or prophecy was sought from the gods; a person regarded as an infallible authority or guide on something.

    Science, (noun): the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

    When we think of science and scientists these days – which of the above most closely matches their role and our devotion to them: Dispassionate scientists who study the data and follow it where it may lead; or obscure Gnostics who alone can interpret bird feathers, rat bones and marmot blood to channel higher wisdom to the waiting peoples?

    The problem of our post-Christian “society” is that we don’t believe in God any more. Even the Catholic Church has largely lost belief in God and is promoting pachamama earth religion instead of the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ crucified, risen, redeeming, reigning – God With Us.

    We human beings, made in the image of God, are hard wired to believe in and follow God. When we lose faith and even belief in God, we follow the counterfeits of His enemy. We trade the Priesthood of God in cassocks and collars for the oracles of science in white lab coats.

    In a sane world, scientists would be seen as technicians, nothing more. “Interesting theory, Doc. Thanks. I’ll consider it. Ave Maria.”

    In our post-Christian barbarous world, doctors and scientists are so much more than technicians … Oracles who channel the astral plane – made so by human beings desperate to believe in something, they know not what, because the leavening Catholic Church has stopped believing and evangelizing the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to transform individual lives and the world.

    It truly is, ultimately, our fault for losing the power and reality of the Faith in all of its missionary glory.

  2. At what point will we finally come to our senses, cast off these notions of a political solution, humbly ourselves and obey the Mandate of Heaven (Tuy, Spain – 13 June 1929) in order to achieve God’s Solution?

    You’ll recall what it says in the Good Book…
    Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no help. – Psalm 146:3
    Thus says the Lord: Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord. – Jeremiah 17:5
    Give us aid against the enemy, for the help of man is worthless. – Psalm 60:11
    O grant us help against the foe, for human help is worthless. – Psalm 108:12
    It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to put confidence in princes. – Psalm 118:8-9
    Put no more trust in man, who has only the breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he? – Isaiah 2:22

  3. Google, desperate to censor the lab leak, was also finding the research, which explains a lot.

    It is a cover up from top to bottom. Add in TDS and the climate of fear and little wonder scientists aloan be as cowardly and dastardly folk as clergymen and politicians.

    Also science is wrong about the Earth revolving around the sun. The Church is still right. The facts point to Geocentrism, once you get rid of Einstein’s woke-before-woke mathematics and look past all the critical-church-theory baloney, you’ll discover the gold-medal winning con job that THE SCIENCE ™ pulled off over the world. Darwinism is in 2nd place.

    1. jmarrenjr: Sure. Go for it. That’s what I think about that (even though Sauvignon Blank is not my thing… to each his, or her, own).

  4. In the following extract from your post (I did not check the linked article yet), there is an inversion in the last sentence that appears to totally confuse the point being made.

    Up to the last sentence below, “flat Earthers” are the ones who have wrong, unscientific beliefs based on fear. But anti-maskers and anti-vaxers are the ones who have correct, scientific beliefs based on evidence and ignoring fear. It is the maskers and vexers that have the wrong, unscientific beliefs based on fear.

    “One gets an appreciation for what scientists of centuries ago endured as they questioned science dogma of the day such as the Earth being flat or the Sun revolving around Earth. Such censorship was attributed to the medieval scientific mindset centuries ago long before the enlightened age of Facebook, Twitter, and CNN.

    Last year’s outbreak of the Chinese coronavirus allowed the world to travel back in time to an age where sailors feared sailing off the edge of the world into a pit of monsters or nothingness. Instead of being called “flat Earthers” they are called anti-maskers or anti-vaxers.”

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