Is Ivermectin the New Penicillin? Cases in Delhi, India have dropped 92% since Ivermectin was deployed April 20th

Is Ivermectin the New Penicillin?

By Justus R. Hope, MD May 25, 2021

As those Indian States using Ivermectin continue to diverge in cases and deaths from those states that forbid it, the natural experiment illustrates the power of Ivermectin decisively.

Cases in Delhi, where Ivermectin was begun on April 20, dropped from 28,395 to just 2,260 on May 22. This represents an astounding 92% drop. Likewise, cases in Uttar Pradesh have dropped from 37,944 on April 24 to 5,964 on May 22 – a decline of 84%. 

Delhi and Uttar Pradesh followed the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) guidance published April 20, 2021, which called for dosing of .2 mg per kg of Ivermectin per body weight for three days. This amounts to 15 mg per day for a 150-pound person or 18 mg per day for a 200-pound individual. 

The other three Indian states that adopted it are all down as well. Goa is down from 4,195 to 1,647, Uttarakhand is down from 9,624 to 2,903, and Karnataka is down from 50,112 to 31,183. Goa adopted a pre-emptive policy of mass Ivermectin prevention for the entire adult population over age 18 at a dose of 12 mg daily for five days.

Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu announced on May 14 they were outlawing Ivermectin in favor of the politically correct Remdesivir. As a result, Tamil Nadu’s cases are up in the same time frame from April 20 to May 22 – 10,986 to 35,873 – more than a tripling.

Although Big Pharma and Big Media have scrambled to try, they cannot explain away this natural experiment…

6 thoughts on “Is Ivermectin the New Penicillin? Cases in Delhi, India have dropped 92% since Ivermectin was deployed April 20th”

  1. Mexico saw the same results. Mexico City recently began a citywide therapeutic program which included Ivermectin and the results were immediate – death rates which had been steadily rising once again (due to the “vaccination”) immediately began significant decline.

    Reverend Fauci has to answer for much, not least of which is why he encouraged the prohibition of therapeutics known to be entirely safe for decades, known to be cheap and widely available, known to be a certain cure.

    So many died because they were forced into inhuman (ie the ventilators, ie quarantine elderly sick with elderly well) treatment that not only facilitated death, but in many cases caused it.

    It seems he secretly funded the research that developed this bug, it seems he covered up its origins and nature during crucial times of medical, economic, social collapse and now it seems he covered up and prevented the use of a safe, cheap and certain cure.

    We need public hearings under rational, intelligent non-belligerent participants in the crime (not Democrats) so he can answer important questions. This was the greatest man made disaster in American history (the response, not the virus). The consequences need to be equivalent to the disaster, or crime.

  2. Ivermectin on demand otherwise a tax revolt. This government (like others worldwide) will allow people to die in order to carry on making money.

  3. There will be intentional shortages on Ivermectin, or an outright ban. Or it will be re-patented, since it now has a new use, and you’ll pay 100 dollars a dose.

    It can’t be that easy to just buy it. We must depend on government or pay a price.

  4. Stock up now. Get it from your farm supply store.. Horse paste or 1% sterile solution bovine injection. I took 1/4 tsp of the sterile solution and lived to tell! 🙂

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