What will you do when told in the Confessional that you are in Mortal Sin for being unvaxxed?

Hopefully, you’ll have a bishop like this:

But what if you have a bishop like this:

You need to be ready to pick up and move. Maybe to another state, because the state in turn will use the antichurch against you. Do you see where this is going? If Fwanciss is pope, you are outside his “church,” see?

15 thoughts on “What will you do when told in the Confessional that you are in Mortal Sin for being unvaxxed?”

  1. I recall Ann Barnhardt covered this recently. If you know something is not a sin, don’t discuss it in the confessional. If your priest is a pansy NWO acolyte, find another parish. If you have no choice to avoid a pansy NWO acolyte, at least find a place to confess where anonymity is possible. If none of the above are possible, then as we English say “bog off Father!”.

  2. This morning,
    1st Epistle of St Paul to the Corinthians
    …[10] Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no schisms among you; but that you be perfect in the same mind, and in the same judgment.”…
    The Apostles have condemned these heretics, and apostates already. Let them speak, open your mouths and we will be shown who they are and who they serve. They mark themselves. It is obvious they do not read the same Scripture as I am.

  3. Slightly off tpoic, but not really. I live very near to a sedevacantist Church; in grave danger, do these priests have the faculties to absolve sin and/or administer the anointing of the sick? And NO I am not considering it in the least…..just wondering, if in grave danger scenario.

      1. A validly ordained priest who does not possess faculties (ie suspension a divinis) may only absolve the dying. This goes beyond a matter of liceity; a priest needs proper faculties to validly absolve sins, to validly confirm, and to validly witness a marriage. SSPX priests have been given these faculties, in some round about way, but one should avoid the sedevacantist, who have no jurisdiction for anything (beyond absolution of the dying), even if they may be validly ordained.

  4. Oh Catholic soul, why do you still attend these anti church antichrist parishes where the pastors believe that an antipope is the Vicar of Christ, where 99.999% of all Catholic Churches mention Bergoglio as the pope. For those masses are not worthy in the eyes of God and graces abound not when offered as an abomination. The situation is so serious that it beholdens a Catholic who believes that Benedict XVI is the pope to only go to masses offered in union with him and only this is seen as good in the eyes of God and where graces abound. And if they are not to be found near you then remain at home praying a Rosary and offering a spiritual communion. There graces will abound because you are in union with the true pope and a good Catholic. And don’t think that I go to a traditional parish where Father is so saintly and the holy sacrifice is offered worthily. If you are not in union with the pope you are not a Catholic.

  5. I am so tired of this. I am so tired of the gaslighting. I’m so tired of the evil. I’m so tired of how lost the entire Church is.

    And though I know how it will end, I blame one man for jump starting all of this: Pope Benedict XVI.

    Had he not “resigned” everything from Francis to BLM to China’s ascent to Trump losing the election to the Global Reset/Covid 19 circus wouldn’t have happened. That was the key event.

    He has time to try and salvage it, but I doubt he will.

    We are going to go through hell.

  6. wow…. that letter is just flabberghasting…. fear of receiving OUR LORD!!! The bread and wine became his BODY and BLOOD! INCORRUPTIBLE. How is it logically possible that the corruptible is more powerful than the incorruptible?! That would mean that everything devolves away from God, not works and moves towards perfection and His End…. wow…. just wow…. sorry for all the caps, but…. wow….

    THANK GOD I was brought to the TLM. Thank. God!!

  7. Austin Priest has left his lane.

    Austin Priest best be careful because he is treading where Priests have no business being, at all: inside the personal *prudential judgement*, the well formed reason and hard fought decisions in reference to all the latest scientific literature, personal, familial, social circumstances, unique business and personal finance situatIons of a soul unique as a snowflake before God.

    Austin Priest should explicate from Sacred Tradition where the Church has ever said we are required to inject DNA altering substances that killed every test animal it was given to and was never nor will be approved by the FDA for use in humans. What says Aquinas, Augustine, Austin Priest, on DNA altering substances known as extremely hazardous and deadly? Because that’s really the only thing you have to say about this. *That’s* your lane. The Magisterium – the one that predates 1962, btw … the big one; big as an ocean. That lane.

    You can’t reach in to my family and compel me to inject by dearly beloveds with an inhuman mRNA drug, sourced in murdered babies. Ya just can’t.

    1. News Item:

      CHAVAGNES-EN-PAILLERS, France, May 20, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Out of a total of 22 recently vaccinated priests in the retirement home of a missionary community in France, 21 were infected with COVID, and four of them died within ten days of each other between the end of April and the first days of May. Two others are said still to be in a critical condition.

      We all do what we must do, in reference to our well formed conscience and our unique prudential judgement. Hard pass, personally, on whatever it was they were drinking, however.

  8. If they’re requiring this of the staff, just think of what all priests are forced to do!

    If that vile conction they call a “vaccine” turns out to be as deadly as we imagine, then you can expect that priest shortage to get eeeeeveeennn smaller, especially considering the age of many of them!

    When the priests are all dead, then where are the vaxxed suckers going to hear Mass?

  9. The logic of Austin Priest: Those who have been “vaccinated” must be protected from the unvaccinated (wear a mask, isolate, forced jab).


    He doesn’t sound too confident in the juice. In fact, he comes across as still very afraid.

  10. In his commentary on Psalm 128, Oswald Chambers begins:

    “Blessed is every one that feareth the Lord; that walketh in his ways.” (Psalm 128:1)

    The remarkable thing about fearing God is that when you fear God you fear nothing else, whereas if you do not fear God you fear everything else. “Blessed is every one that feareth the Lord”;…

    The Highest Good—The Pilgrim’s Song Book, 537 L, Oswald Chambers.

  11. Perhaps it is time for direct legal action against parishes and bishops. The money is where their hearts are after all.


    OSHA Tells Employers They May Be Liable For Adverse Reactions’ Over Vax Mandate


    Employers May Be Liable For ‘Any Adverse Reaction’ From Mandated Coronavirus Shots


    PDF: “Job Safety and Health – It’s The Law!”


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