Think about this. First responders and frontline healthcare workers have had access to the vaxx for five months. They don’t have desk jobs, they don’t work from home. These people are dealing every day with blood and guts, close physical contact with all manner of humanity, and other disgusting situations. Yet 75% of them don’t want the vaxx. This is no conspiracy theory. These people know what’s up.
But you should definitely get it, you know, for the common good.
Data shows Arizona first responders are not receiving COVID-19 vaccine
By: Cameron Polom
Police, firefighters and EMTs were some of the first Arizonans who were prioritized to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. But how many got the shot?
Well, that answer is more complicated than one would think. That’s because of the more than 30 fire and police departments we reached out to, none are requiring or tracking how many of their employees are getting vaccinated.
Of the dozens of emails sent to agencies across the Valley and state asking how many or what percentage of their teams have gotten the shot, this was the general response:
“To be vaccinated is a personal choice for our staff and we do not track this information.”
Cities like Phoenix are taking a different approach by offering employees a $75 bonus for receiving the vaccine. Of the 3,982 officers in the city, only 1,051 have applied for the bonus. Of the 2,044 Phoenix firefighters, just 503 also applied for the bonus.
The question is, can these agencies do anything about it? Privacy surrounding medical information again complicates the matter. But without knowing who is protected, stopping potential spread gets even more difficult.

As good a reason as any to not get the shot is that they want us to.
The answer is “No” to everything.
Reporting from the police state of the former country of Canada! Any Catholic clergy, Bishop, Cardinal, Pope willing to go to bat for this hero? Yes I thought so, crickets.
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I’m sure “No Jab For Me”.info is on the top of Chelsea’s list of forbidden information – “ban it, burn it bury it” – “Hey, hey, ho, ho, NoJabForMe has got to go, hey hey, ho ho (etc) …”
And yes, it looks very good. I will investigate that further.