2 thoughts on “Thou may eat and drink and shop and walk and jog, but no one shalt be unmasked until all take the deathvaxx…”
It’s always the evil anti-vaxxer’s fault…”They probably learned all that they know on the subject from Jenny Mccarthy and her mommy blog. If only they were smart enough to follow SCIENCE like the rest of us geniuses.” ๐๐๐
…Pfizer is also seeking approval for the vaccine to be used on children as young as 2 and as old as 11 in both the US and Europe, an authorization it expects to arrive in September.”…
It’s always the evil anti-vaxxer’s fault…”They probably learned all that they know on the subject from Jenny Mccarthy and her mommy blog. If only they were smart enough to follow SCIENCE like the rest of us geniuses.” ๐๐๐
…Pfizer is also seeking approval for the vaccine to be used on children as young as 2 and as old as 11 in both the US and Europe, an authorization it expects to arrive in September.”…
And the Catholic POTUS, the anti-pope bergoglio, and full faith of the Catholic Church approves this message!