This story has gone quite viral, and rightly so. Fifteen nuns having to abandon their monastery and load into vans to drive nonstop to Nebraska at the drop of a hat… Was it the new Ordinary? The archdiocese has denied any involvement. Which, if you think about it, a lack of involvement can be purposeful. Was it their confederation? Was there a visitation? Why were they at risk, having to fly to the protection of Bishop Conley? By the way, let’s give thanks that they are indeed safe and sound at Valparaiso in Nebraska.
But what will become of the Philly Carmel, and can anything be done about it?
Mother Pia, now alone in the monastery, is doing something about it. Today is the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, and she is beginning a 30 day novena. Won’t you join me in joining her?
St. Joseph is the traditional patron of vocations for the Carmelites. There can’t be only one nun at a monastery – it’s canonically irregular. The minimum to be considered a stable community is three. If the Carmel is suppressed, the archdiocese can confiscate the property. In your charity, could you please send a short email or perhaps a quick phone call to Archbishop Perez and the Cardinal Prefect in Rome (see below).
Happy feast, and please pray.

God Bless you Mark. You’re a good man.
But of course, Mark, I will add Carmel to my permanent St. Joseph Novena.
And if any person wishes to read on the life of St. Joseph, here is the link to purchase the book at a very decent price.
“The Life of Saint Joseph as manifested by Our Lord, Jesus Christ to Maria Cecilia Baij, O.S.B.”
Wonderful book. I’ve begun reading it a second time and reading all the foot notes too. I’ve had to admit to our Lord that St. Joseph’s level of humility is hard for me to understand….yet it’s beauty cannot be ignored.
And thank you Mark for keeping us updated.
Thank you for the invitation to join the Novena as I will certainly do.
The Carmelite Monastery is an architectural gem but more importantly a spiritual oasis rich in heritage.
Tragic if it’s put on the auction block. But it would be in line with what has happened with the bishop’s residence, Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary (sold to Lankenau Hospital), Saint Katherine Drexel Shrine, Don Guanella residence….and the list goes on.
Ten or so years ago I had the privilege of speaking with a Chester County resident of many years…she was in her nineties at the time of our conversation. We spoke at great length about what she had experienced and witnessed in the development of the Philadelphia area and surrounding suburbs…how Chester County was once all dairy farms and the development of the “Main Line” by railroad magnates.
Our conversation’s topics included the prestige and influence of the Catholic Church in the Philadelphia area.
She told me about her nephew, a priest, who had filled the position of rector for the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul and some of his observations which he shared with her. One of the observations she shared with me was his comment, “It’s all about the money.”
Pray for Saint Joseph’s intervention.
I am old enough to remember the Apostolic Visitation by Bishop Sartain of the LCWR’s alleged heterodoxy and possible heresies.
But then …. prior to its conclusion, Pope Benedict was mysteriously, unprecedentedly, unorthodoxically, replaced by Bergóglio as Bishop of Rome; the LCWR investigation was quickly concluded with positive glowing reviews and pastoral support; and new investigations with real teeth, against orthodox Holy Orders began and the arc of the universe was changed.
You never hear about the LCWR any more.
And the Philly Carmel Monastery is another in a long line of orthodox persecutions by the illegitimate regime.
These people are not pastoral. No, not when it comes to what matters. They took power, when threatened, and they use power unreservedly against their enemies.
Brave women! I will pray this with them. What an honor!
Hello Mark, I can’t retrieve your “all seeing eye” post but here’s something interesting…
the “Catholic” all seeing eye
John J. Marren, Jr.
Feb 7, 2021, 9:57 PM
to Ralph
Here’s a definition from Wikipedia regarding the “Catholic” all seeing eye:
The Eye of Providence (or the *all-seeing eye* of God) is a symbol, having its origin in *Christian* iconography, showing an eye often surrounded by rays of light or a glory and usually enclosed by a triangle. It represents the eye of God watching over humanity (the concept of divine providence). Eye of Providence – Wikipedia › wiki › Eye_of_Providence
The Editor says:December 19, 2019 at 7:54 pm
To reply to Jmarrenjr,
While it is true that the all seeying Eye was a symbol in Christian art quite common in the 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries, its use has faded entirely out of fashion because of its adoption by the Masonic Sect. To reintroduce it now would be like to reintroduce the usage of the 5 pointed star which the Knights Templars used to decorate their Churches, as a symbol of Christian cavalry. But now that the 5 pointed start has been long used to symbolize the Satantic cult, it has faded entire from Christian use.
This is a classic example of how Freemasons signal to one another. And your citation of historical truth for a past age, as if applicable today, is a standard narrative control or gaslighting technique that they use or at least want promoted to hide their signalling to one another. (I in now way imply you are a Freemason).
I wonder how many lawsuits they need to pay off by trying to snatch this Holy Convent?