This is from Meet the Press last Sunday. Chuck is PISSED: (if the video doesn’t cue, go to 8:00 minute mark)
Also not to be missed is Dr. Frances Collins of NIH at 9:06 asking everyone to hit the “reset” button! He’s pissed too. Spread the word!
This is from Meet the Press last Sunday. Chuck is PISSED: (if the video doesn’t cue, go to 8:00 minute mark)
Also not to be missed is Dr. Frances Collins of NIH at 9:06 asking everyone to hit the “reset” button! He’s pissed too. Spread the word!
its your job. obey now or lose everything. despite the us constitution… oppressive/punitive measures will be taken against all who are noncompliant. lose jobs. lose essential travel. lose religious services… stay in your ‘home-cell’ . be obedient or else.
There is a small roadblock to be considered: liability. If hospitals, employers, etc., require people to get the viaccine or lose employment, etc., they had better be aware of the massive lawsuits that await them when the recipients show signs of serious reactions from this experimental excuse for medicine. While I realize you cannot sue the manufacturer of the drug, nothing is stopping lawsuits against hospitals and employers. That’s the only language they understand…money.
from what I understand, NONE of these entities can be sued as regards vaccine injuries.
That’s demonic.
Good point that hospitals and employers should be sued because if they are forcing vaccinations, they should be culpable. Hit the reset indeed. Let’s all regain our common sense.
What a shill the doctor is! I have no faith in the judicial system that any tort related to vaccines will ever be properly adjudicated.