13 thoughts on “That feeling when Twitter screams “fake news” at actual live breaking news”

  1. Regardless of the screaming craziness of the mainstream media — these cases will be heard by judges and decided by them, not by the media.

  2. That sounds good in theory….and then there’s the “real world.”

    Judges are not necessarily men and woman of virtue.

    As Ben Carson once “opined” about attorneys, “They’re out to win by hood or by crook.”

    “By hook or by crook” is an English phrase meaning “by any means necessary”, suggesting that any means possible should be taken to accomplish a goal. The phrase is very old, first recorded in the Middle English Controversial Tracts of John Wyclif in 1380.”

    Most judges are attorneys.

    So, if it’s a Clinton appointee judge or one whose sympathies are “Clintonesque” like Tony Fauci, do you expect honesty, integrity and impartiality.

    ….just sayin.

    1. Shame on me, especially for a one time English literature major.

      Just took a look at my reply….apologies for the grammatical inconsistencies: hood instead of hook, woman instead of women.

      I blame it on the couple of glasses of “Old Vine Zinfandel” consumed while preparing to string some Christmas lights.

      What did Chesterton have to say about red wine?

      “The Catholic Church is like a thick steak, a glass of red wine, and a good cigar.”

      ― G.K. Chesterton

      Happy Thanksgiving….

  3. “The modern media are engaged in a Luciferian conspiracy against the truth.” – Marshall McLuhan

    “Such as it is, the press has become the greatest power within the Western World, more powerful than the legislature, the executive and judiciary. One would like to ask; by whom has it been elected and to whom is it responsible.” – Alexander Solzhenitsyn

    Happy Thanksgiving Folks !

  4. Thanksgiving 2020 A. D.

    But Catholic men, who live upon wine, / Are deep in the water, and frank and fine. / Wherever I travel I find it so. / Benedicamus Domino!

    —Hilaire Belloc

    And for a real treat this Thanksgiving, consider studying on, or better yet reciting aloud (or both), HB’s Heroic Poem in Praise of Wine. This, ideally before a blazing hearth (that’s what man had before TV) and between the post-prandials and cigars.

  5. Twitter will cancel Trump’s account, then will come a media blackout in order to prevent the people from knowing the truth that he won the election. He will then have to use an Emergency Alert Message system to get the information about what is going on out to the public. Hopefully this information will include numerous arrests of high level political and social media figures who have been charged with treason for election interference. Keep praying this is true and that justice will be served!

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