They want to make sure you are fired from your job, can’t get rehired anywhere, and ultimately they want you dead, because wokeness. You need to get your head around this.
They want to make sure you are fired from your job, can’t get rehired anywhere, and ultimately they want you dead, because wokeness. You need to get your head around this.
More intimidation. More totalitarianism. They count on cowardice.
The luxuriation in the lie is palpable.
Suggested weekend reading. ‘Assassin’ by Doug Casey and John Hunt. Amazon summary below:
“Charles Knight is released from an especially unpleasant stay in prison, only to rejoin a society overwhelmed by looting, riots, arson, viral panic, mob-think and economic decay . . . with a presidential election in the balance. The cronies are in charge, abetted by their media lackeys and political puppets. They’ll do anything to get what they want. How can Charles stop the deadly crimes committed by those who control the law, print the money, and confuse the minds of the people? Crimes that push millions into poverty, servitude and ignorance. Will a highly unorthodox presidential candidate and a cryptocurrency network that turns the surveillance state on its head be enough to expose and defeat them? Or do some people just need to be killed? The cronies are moving fast. Charles Knight needs to move faster.”
Here’s Bishop Richard Williamson’s take on what’s unfolding…and I received a similar warning from Father Hannon of In Viam Pacis Retreat up in Elsinore Brewery Country:
All over the world ever more people, observing the utter disproportion between on the one hand the huge Covid-propaganda of their vile media and governments, and on the other hand the scarce reality of Covid-deaths anywhere around them, are convinced that there is much more to Covid-19 than meets the eye. They are unquestionably right, but who the criminals are behind Covid, and what they are after is not so clear. Materialistic liberals can hardly imagine that anybody could be so evil, because they need to believe that everybody is nice, whereas believing Catholics have a chance of understanding, through their Faith.
What they understand through their Faith is that human life is a time and opportunity given by God to every human soul that He creates, to choose between eternal bliss in Heaven by serving and loving Him, or unending torments in Hell by spurning and refusing Him. Hosts of angels, created before men, were given the same choice, and perhaps a third of them fell, and were flung into Hell. These all now bitterly envy human beings their possibility of getting to the Heaven which they refused, and they do all they can to pull human souls down to Hell with them. Here is where the evil on this earth originates.
But if God is all-good and all-powerful, as He is, how can He allow any such free play of evil ? Because He does not want any kind of robots in His Heaven. He wants with Him there only angels and souls that have been able to make an entirely free choice between Himself and the Devil, and who have chosen Himself against all possible allurements of the world, the flesh and the Devil. And if the Devil succeeds in blinding souls with error and seducing them for instance with his honey-traps, then God will often scourge those souls in this brief life in order for them to think again, to come back to Him and to save themselves for eternal life. “O God, punish me in this life” prayed St Augustine, “just so long as you need not punish me in the next.” And God often uses fallen angels and wicked men to do the scourging that He knows is necessary for the salvation of souls. And here is where much of the suffering of men on earth originates.
And here is why the great Covid-lie is likely to thrive for a while yet, because a mass of souls today are virtually trapped in atheistic materialism, which is the essence of Communism, and it is liable to take great suffering for souls to be shaken out of it. Deeply deceived by a false notion of liberty (freedom to choose between good and evil instead of between good and good – I have no inalienable right to choose evil), they are convinced and crusading liberals who insist on freedom for evil and, as we saw in the riots of this summer, on freedom for the destruction of the police, of all law and order, of their cities, of all feeble remains of Christian civilisation, in brief on freedom to make war against God. It took over 70 years of the full horrors of Communism for “Holy Russia” to begin to come back to God. What will it take to bring an entire apostate world to be ready to beg Our Lady to obtain Russia’s full Consecration ?
Therefore expect in the rest of 2020, according to a recent source in Canada, the rolling in of secondary lock-down restrictions, with a new “surge” of Covid-related deaths, and the rushed acquisition or construction of “isolation facilities” throughout the country. Expect by the turn of the year much stricter lock-down measures, and in the New Year the introduction of a universal basic wage program alongside a new virus (Covid-21) due to overwhelm medical facilities. Planned for the Spring are a third lock-down, stricter still, imposition of the basic wage program, large economic disruption, and to offset an international economic collapse, a total debt relief program by which citizens will be offered, by the government, cancellation of all their debts in exchange for giving up for ever all ownership of any and all property and assets, and for accepting Covid-19 and Covid-21 vaccinations. And if any citizens refuse ? “They will be deemed a safety risk and re-located into isolation facilities, with their assets seized.”
We have been warned. God is not mocked (Galatians VI, 7). Let us pray !
@jmarrenjr Thanks for this !
You’re welcome.
Thank you Mark for publishing it and thank you Bishop Williamson (and Father Hannon) for your commentaries.
There is only one thing left to do, bury the rotted corpse of democracy. The shining has ended and the dark ages are now officially upon us.
Blessed Sunday, thank you Lord for my life, and we choose YOU. Faithful to the end.