Facts, science, truth, reality… none of these things matter to these people. These things are their enemy. The only things that matter are ideology and power. They hate your rationality, and they want you dead.

Facts, science, truth, reality… none of these things matter to these people. These things are their enemy. The only things that matter are ideology and power. They hate your rationality, and they want you dead.
Umm… No, Tampax. Unless a woman is born without a uterus, that would be a no.
The irony is that some of these women who are posing as men still keep their female organs and do the most woman-exclusive thing possible: They give birth. And they call themselves “seahorse dads”. No. You’re a woman that took hormones and is pretending to be a man. The same people that promote abortion and have such a problem with women staying and home and having large families. They are completely delusional.
I think this might be the “strong delusion” written of in Thessalonians.
Honestly this reminds me most of Lewis’s ‘The Last Battle’. The scenes where the Talking Animals lost the use of first their speech, then their reason always horrified me… but I can’t help but think we are seeing something very like it happening around us. Rejection of Logos with all its horrible consequences.
Urielangeli; that’s a really interesting and thought-provoking take.
Well said. “These people”. These people are angry. These hate the truth about their beliefs and they hate you for disagreeing.
This plays on a loop in my head anymore.
The original is better.https://youtu.be/u1ZvPSpLxCg