Already widely circulated, but placing it here for the record.

This will not stand. This is an anti-gospel, promulgated by antichurch. There is no way that the purported Vicar of Christ (which he is not) can be allowed to drag souls to Hell like this.
Stay frosty, and stay confessed.
The Underground Catholic Church is on the way. Hopefully soon.
Gee. I think I remember someone saying something about “the poor you will always have with you”. And something about “broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many go in thereat.”
…It must not have been terribly important. I am so glad we have Mr. Bergoglio to save us from the benighted ignorance we have been living in for the past 2000 years!
By saved, of course, he means earthly prosperity and health. Survival of the species.
I am sure that if pressed, he will explain that by “saved” he was not referring to the spiritual salvation sense (probably doesn’t believe in that anyway), but rather material/earthly well being. But he won’t explain it unless he has to, and leave the interpretation up to each who hears it, doing what he does best – sow confusion.
“We are all saved, or no one is saved” which explains why proselytism is “solemn nonsense.”