UPDATED: Time to order textbooks for Dr. Mazza’s classes; directions, discount code, and links herein.

Adding book for the World History course:

Hi Mark!
One week from today World History class begins!
I am recommending, NOT requiring the following textbook: The Heritage of World Civilizations, Volume 1: Brief Edition (5th Edition): https://smile.amazon.com/Heritage-World-Civilizations-History-Package-dp-0205207669/dp/0205207669/ref=mt_other?_encoding=UTF8&me=&qid=1599672773

If you RENT or buy the book from Amazon, it’s $30 or less.
If you want to read online for FREE (for an hour at a time), here is the link to a slightly older edition: 

The reading for Wed Sept 16th is Chap 1 pages 5-16 (or in the old, free, edition, pages 6-14).
God Bless,Dr. Ed

Hi Mark,
Thanks again for posting!
You probably saw Ann’s post last week on the textbooks, but just in case you didn’t, I chose three textbooks to use for our Church History course.I have negotiated a deal with the publisher, if you want to purchase them brand new. Here is the link:
Books are suggested, NOT required.
Here’s a link to view only one of the volumes for free, one hour at a time: https://archive.org/details/darknessdescends04byfi

Partial readings of the other two texts are available for free thru Google Books, but they actually show you very little: https://www.google.com/books/edition/By_this_Sign/ziZX5M6glLMC?hl=en&gbpv=0
If you choose to buy, use the MAZZA2020 coupon and you get all three books for $99 plus shipping (NOT $159 as it shows on website). Some students have reported difficulties, but even if it appears that you’re going to be paying $175, just follow all the steps and right at the very end you can enter the Mazza2020 code and it brings it down to $115 right before you pay.
Not sure how soon books will arrive, but we won’t be using volume three until our third or fourth class. For our first class, suggested reading is the first few chapters of the Acts of the Apostles.
God Bless,Dr. Ed

3 thoughts on “UPDATED: Time to order textbooks for Dr. Mazza’s classes; directions, discount code, and links herein.”

  1. I’ve been agonizing over that because I think I would love it but $450 is tough to swallow. When is the deadline do you know? I’m up in north Carolina and my brain is a bit frazzled so bear with me.

    Sent from my iPad


    1. I struggled with it too, until I broke it down to $35 per week for 13 weeks. I can handle that. It will mean cutting out some things, but I’m doing it. The value is huge for what is going to be covered.

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