They are laughing at you. They all know it’s all a scam. They don’t care about the millions unemployed and the businesses that will never recover, the drug overdoses, the suicides. It’s just a game for them. Orange Man Bad.

The image sparked fierce criticism from some people and business owners. Writing directly to Kenney in an Instagram post, famed Philadelphia chef and restaurateur Marc Vetri decried the mayor as a hypocrite.”I guess all your press briefings and your narrative of unsafe indoor dining don’t apply to you. Thank you for clearing it all up for us tonight,” Vetri wrote in part.
The mayor’s office defended the photo, releasing a statement that blamed Trump:
“Throughout the pandemic the Mayor has consistently deferred to the guidance of the Health Commissioner, who in this case felt strongly about waiting until Sept. 8 to resume indoor dining. If elected officials at the federal level had similarly deferred to health experts over the past five months, this might not even be an issue by now.“
Orange Man Bad. Let them eat cake. But not indoors.
For the record, no one is sick from corona in Philly. They have new cases, and are testing like mad. But no one is actually sick. Even by their own faked up counting methods, fewer than 40 hospitalizations per day, SINCE LATE MAY. Around ten per day in August:

Is it safe to assume that the majority of people understand this yet?
“All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.”
– George Orwell, Animal Farm
Worth highlighting another hypocrite mayor in Canada – Patrick Brown, maskless, playing private hockey games with friends in public rinks he closed to the public.
And here’s maskless Andrew Cuomo.
Piss on them ALL!
Make no mistake, they want you to see this. Reminding you who’s in charge is what it’s all about.
The hypocrisy is one thing, but the cowardice of the sheep who meekly obey is truly scary.
Look at who else is breaking lockdown rules!
Caught on video: Maskless Nancy Pelosi gets hair done