Happy Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary! May I just say, GOD BLESS the holy priests who are carrying out their solemn duties in the midst of this total breakdown of Western society. Thank God especially for the ones who, instead of locking their churches and hiding, have actually multiplied the number of public Masses they are offering, and expanded Confession times. They will surely be rewarded. Lastly, thank God especially for those priests who refuse to make people wear masks. THANK YOU.
The title of this post is from today’s Lesson, Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 24:23. The Holy Heart of Mary is a tremendous font of Holy Hope. If only more people understood this. Mary’s sinless perfection means her heart is perfect, both physically perfect and perfect in its complete focus on loving God. A heart divided cannot adore God as it should. We are called to imitate her heart as best we can, at every stage of the spiritual life. This desire should burn within us, so that our own love for God will burn all the more.
We are also called to share in her heart, by sharing in both her joys and her suffering. If you are having trouble understanding how or why God has allowed you so suffer, take a look at what He allowed His mother to suffer. Just as we are called to unite our sufferings to the Cross, we should also share them (and bear them) with the Blessed Virgin. She is our mother, she loves us so much, and she wants the very best for us.
God the Son came into her virginal womb as a new Adam into his earthly paradise, to take his delight there and produce hidden wonders of grace. God-made-man found freedom in imprisoning himself in her womb. He displayed power in allowing himself to be borne by this young maiden. He found his glory and that of his Father in hiding his splendors from all creatures here below and revealing them only to Mary. He glorified his independence and his majesty in depending upon this lovable virgin in his conception, his birth, his presentation in the temple, and in the thirty years of his hidden life. Even at his death she had to be present so that he might be united with her in one sacrifice and be immolated with her consent to the eternal Father, just as formerly Isaac was offered in sacrifice by Abraham when he accepted the will of God. It was Mary who nursed him, fed him, cared for him, reared him, and sacrificed him for us.
The Holy Spirit could not leave such wonderful and inconceivable dependence of God unmentioned in the Gospel, though he concealed almost all the wonderful things that Wisdom Incarnate did during his hidden life in order to bring home to us its infinite value and glory. Jesus gave more glory to God his Father by submitting to his Mother for thirty years than he would have given him had he converted the whole world by working the greatest miracles. How highly then do we glorify God when to please him we submit ourselves to Mary, taking Jesus as our sole model.
True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Louis de Montfort, #18

Thanks Mark. I’m surrounded by pagans and prots….it’s my mission to spread the Devotion to the Immaculate Heart.
Pray for me, a sinner, my Holy Mother, and obtain the necessary graces for my intentions. I love You!